Criminal Lawyers Parramatta
Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

PHONE: (02) 9261 8881

FAX: (02) 9264 0880


Suite 3, 27 Hunter Street
Parramatta NSW 2150
Across the road from Justice Precinct carpark

Criminal Lawyers Parramatta

No criminal law firm in Parramatta has achieved a track record of success comparable to Sydney Criminal Lawyers.

Our Principal, Mr Ugur Nedim, has decades of experience as a leading criminal defence lawyer, has been recognised by the Law Society of New South Wales as an Accredited Criminal Law Specialist since 2005 and has built a team of exceptional, vastly experienced specialist criminal defence lawyers to provide the highest level of service to our valued clients.

Our profession-leading defence team has successfully defended dozens of murder trials over the years, has represented clients in the most serious drug importation and supply cases in Australia (including the nation’s largest-ever heroin importation case, where all three of our clients were found not guilty, while the remaining three co-accused – represented by other criminal law firms – were found guilty), hundreds of serious sexual assault cases, complex fraud cases, armed robberies and many other serious and complex criminal case in Parramatta courts.

Our Parramatta criminal lawyers consistently manage to have cases withdrawn when other firms advise clients to plead guilty and to achieve not guilty verdicts where the prosecution evidence appears at first instance to be insurmountable.

These results are achieved through developing and implementing effective defence strategies, harnessing our network of experts in a range of fields and fighting for positive outcomes.

Where to find your Parramatta Criminal Defence Lawyer

Our Parramatta offices are located at Suite 3, 27 Hunter Street – across the road from the Justice Precinct Carpark.

If you are going to court, we offer a free first conference with one of our experienced criminal lawyers in Parramatta who will explain your options and the best way forward.

So call us anytime on (02) 9261 8881 to book your conference with Australia’s most awarded criminal law firm.

About Parramatta Local Court

Parramatta Local Court is located at 12 George Street, which is a short walk from our Parramatta office.

The types of criminal and traffic cases heard in Parramatta Local Court include:

  • Drink driving, driving whilst suspended or disqualified, and other traffic cases
  • Drug possession and small drug supply cases
  • Common assault and assault occasioning actual bodily harm cases
  • Apprehended violence orders (AVOs)
  • Fraud, larceny and property offences
  • Indecent assault and child abuse material cases
  • Firearms offences
  • Bail applications, sentencing hearings, section 32 applications, committal hearings, and defended hearings.

The court also deals with more serious cases which may ultimately end up in one of the higher courts, such as Parramatta District Court (also known as Sydney West Trial Courts).

Our Parramatta criminal lawyers appear at Parramatta Local Court every day – which means we are familiar with the magistrates and judges in the courts as well as the peculiarities of the court processes.

About Parramatta District Court

Parramatta District Court (also known as Sydney West Trial Courts) is located at 6 George Street, just across the road from the Local Court.

The types of criminal cases heard in Parramatta District Court include:

  • Drug cases including supply, manufacture, cultivation and importation
  • Assault and wounding-type cases
  • Break and enter, and robbery cases
  • Substantial fraud and property offences
  • Sexual assault and other sex offences
  • Sentencing hearings, appeals against severity and conviction, bail applications and trials.

If you are due to appear in Parramatta District Court for a legal matter, make sure you seek the best possible legal advice from a Parramatta criminal lawyer.

About Parramatta Childrens Court

Parramatta Childrens Court is located at 2 George Street, right beside the District Court.

The court deals with a wide range of cases involving young people, and the rules relating to court proceedings and the available penalties are often very different to those imposed in the adult courts.

About Parramatta Weekend Bail Court

The Bail Act requires police to bring those who are refused bail at the police station before a magistrate as soon as practicable – which may mean at Parramatta Bail Court on the weekend, when most other courts are closed.

Bail applications – also known as ‘release applications’ – are heard on the weekends in the same building as Parramatta Childrens Court, which is located at 2 George Street Parramatta.

If you are due to appear in any Parramatta court for a criminal or traffic law case, make sure you seek the best possible legal advice from our criminal lawyers who are based in Parramatta.

Choosing the right lawyer for you means checking their track record at defending cases similar to yours at Parramatta courts, and making sure that you trust them to get you through the court process.

More information on Parramatta

If you are located near Parramatta or need a professional lawyer to represent you at a Parramatta Court, find more information on the local area below or call us 24/7 on (02) 9261 8881.

Going to Court? (02) 9261 8881

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I have a free first conference with a criminal lawyer in Parramatta?

Yes. If you are going to court for a criminal or traffic law case, we offer a free initial consultation with an experienced, specialist defence lawyer at our Parramatta offices.

How much does a criminal lawyer in Parramatta cost?

We offer affordable fixed fees for several of our services and these fees are published on our website. These fixed fee services include:

  • Bail applications in the Local, District and Supreme Court,
  • Prison visits,
  • Pleas of guilty and sentencing in the Local Court,
  • Appeals to the District Court on the ground that the Local Court penalty was too severe,
  • Driver licence appeals,
  • Mental health applications in the Local Court (to have cases dismissed under section 14 / 32)
  • Many less-serious defended hearings in the Local Court, and
  • Attending police stations, where appropriate.

For more substantial cases, your lawyer will provide you with an estimate of costs and our firm will always provide you with fully itemised invoices in a timely manner as your case proceeds.

What is the location of a criminal law firm in Parramatta?

Our Parramatta offices are located at 3/27 Hunter Street, which is a short walk from Parramatta train station and Parramatta CBD, opposite the Justice Precinct carpark.

Can a criminal lawyer in Parramatta help me to avoid a criminal record?

Yes. Our experienced lawyers will be able to assess your case with a view to advising as to whether we can have your charges withdrawn or thrown out of court or, if you wish to plead guilty, or by persuading the court to make a ‘non-conviction order’.

Pleading not guilty

If you wish to plead not guilty, we may be able to have your case withdrawn by drafting and sending formal ‘representations’ to the prosecution requesting that the charges be dropped due, for instance, to:

  • insufficient or inconsistent evidence,
  • the lack of a public interest in proceedings continuing,
  • the failure to follow formal requirements for bringing or continuing with the charges, and/or
  • the availability of a legal defence.

If your case nevertheless proceeds to a defended hearing (in the Local Court) or a judge-alone or jury trial (in the District or Supreme Court), we will thoroughly prepare and persuasively argue your position in court with a view to having the case dismissed.

Pleading guilty

If you wish to plead guilty, we can increase the likelihood of a ‘non-conviction order’ being made in your case by:

  • negotiating the downgrading of your charges,
  • negotiating the amendment of the police allegations (known as the ‘police facts’) to make them less-serious,
  • guiding you on the preparation of materials such as character references and a letter of apology to the court, which can provide an insight into the conduct, show that you are remorseful, and help show there will be no further offending,
  • assisting you to undertake relevant programs to address any issues which the court may believe could lead to future offending, and
  • Presenting your case persuasively inside the courtroom.

These factors that significantly increase the change of you obtaining:

Each of these outcomes mean that you avoid a criminal conviction and the penalties that may go with it.

Making a mental health application

If you suffer from a mental health or cognitive impairment, such as depression, anxiety or another type of condition, an application can be made in the Local Court to have your case dismissed on the condition that you enter a mental health treatment plan

If the application is successful, there will be no criminal conviction or even a finding of guilty made against your name.

Why choose a criminal lawyer in Parramatta?

Going to court can be nerve-racking, but having a strong and compassionate legal team behind you can make the experience significantly easier to deal with.

Here are 12 reasons to choose our multi-award winning legal team:

  1. Proven Track Record of Exceptional Results

    Sydney Criminal Lawyers® consistently achieves outcomes which are in the highest percentile of the Judicial Commission’s sentencing statistics for criminal cases.

    Our legal team devises effective case-strategies and fights hard to have cases dropped entirely or charges downgraded – saving clients the time, expense and stress of a defended hearing or jury trial.

    Where cases nevertheless proceed, our lawyers have an outstanding track record of winning defended Local Court hearings, and complex jury trials in the District and Supreme Courts.

    We also consistently win appeals in the District and Supreme Courts (including the NSWCCA) after clients have received unsatisfactory results with other law firms in the lower courts.We are one of the few firms to achieve successful criminal law appeals in the High Court of Australia.

    Where our clients wish to plead guilty, we frequently achieve ‘dismissals’ and ‘non convictions’ in cases where other lawyers have advised there is no chance of doing so.

  2. Highest Level of Client Satisfaction

    We have the best and most comprehensive client review record of any law firm in Australia.

    Regular communication, accessibility and quality service are our team’s highest priorities.

    We are committed to thoroughly explaining all steps involved in the criminal law process, providing regular updates throughout the proceedings, and making ourselves accessible and responsive.

    We are passionate about providing an exceptional level of service to our clients, and we fight hard to achieve optimal results in the shortest period of time.

  3. Australia’s Most Awarded Criminal Law Firm

    We have received more awards and accolades than any other criminal law firm in Australia. Our team has been awarded “Criminal Defence Firm of the Year in Australia” in a number of prestigious and competitive awards programs for several years running.

    The awards recognise our exceptional track record of results, our outstanding client service, the high level of satisfaction we achieve, the affordability of our services and our overall excellence.

  4. Fixed Fees

    We want our clients to know exactly how much their cases will cost from the very start. That’s why we were the first criminal law firm in Australia to publish ‘fixed fees’, back in 2004.

    We offer fixed fees for most types of criminal cases and services.Our fixed fees apply to a range of Local Court cases such as drink driving, drug possession, fraud, common assault and AVOs, and also specific services such as prison visits, bail applications, appeals and defended hearings.

    Unlike many other law firms, our fixed fees are published on our website – which ensures transparency and certainty.

  5. Free First Appointment

    For those who are going to court, we offer a free first conference of up to an hour with one of our Senior Criminal Defence Lawyers.

    We also offer a free first conference to those who have received an unsatisfactory result after being represented in court by another law firm, or after representing themselves, and wish to appeal.

  6. Specialist Lawyer Guarantee

    We guarantee that only lawyers with substantial criminal defence experience will work on your case and appear for you in court.

    This ensures our clients receive the highest quality representation from an experienced, specialist criminal lawyer.

  7. All NSW Courts

    From Bombala to Broken Hill, our lawyers appear in courts throughout New South Wales – and across Australia for Commonwealth cases.

    And we offer fixed fees for most criminal and traffic law cases throughout the state.

  8. Accredited Specialists

    Our entire firm is exclusively dedicated to criminal law – which makes us true specialists.

    All of our lawyers have years of experience representing clients in criminal cases, and our principal has been certified by the Law Society of NSW as an Accredited Criminal Law Specialist since 2005.

    An ‘Accredited Specialist’ is a lawyer who has practised for at least 5 years in a particular field of law (such as criminal law), has passed a rigorous assessment process conducted by the Law Society of NSW, and has been selected by the Specialist Accreditation Committee of the Law Society as an expert in the field.

    Accredited Specialists are required to undertake more training each year than other lawyers and must be successful in having their accreditation renewed every year. Specialist Accreditation is the mark of a true specialist.

    Our firm’s specialist experience ensures you receive the best possible result, whatever your criminal law case may be.

  9. Results-Focused Law Firm

    Our team is passionate about achieving results, and unlike many other law firms, our lawyers do not have monthly financial ‘budgets’ to meet.

    The absence of budgets means our lawyers are entirely focused on achieving optimal results in the shortest space of time; whether by getting charges dropped or downgraded at an early stage or having cases ‘thrown out of court’.

    Not having budgets also means our lawyers are not under pressure to engage in unscrupulous practices such as unnecessarily adjourning cases or ‘overcharging’ clients – which, sadly, is a common complaint against many other lawyers and law firms.

    No budgets encourages regular consultation between lawyers within the firm – promoting an ‘open door’, team environment where lawyers bounce ideas off one another, formulate case strategy together and benefit from each other’s specialised experience, methods, techniques and insights.

    The result is a firm which delivers optimal outcomes in the shortest time periods, at the least expense and stress to our clients.

  10. Team of Lawyers Behind You

    Our clients benefit from the pool of knowledge that only an extensive team of experienced criminal defence lawyers can provide.

    Our lawyers regularly consult one another to stay ‘ahead of the pack’ in the ever-changing field of criminal law – constantly devising, refining and implementing specialised techniques which ensure our clients achieve the best possible outcomes.

    A team approach is particularly important when it comes to serious criminal cases such as murder, commercial drug cases, serious and sexual assaults, large-scale fraud, robbery and other ‘indictable’ cases.

    In such matters, clients reap the benefits of several lawyers devising and executing case strategies which maximise the chances of having cases dropped or downgraded at an early stage, or ‘thrown out of court’ – often saving clients a great deal of cost, time and anxiety.

  11. Familiar with Magistrates and Judges

    Each of our lawyers appears in court on a daily basis, and has done so for years. We have therefore been able to develop an understanding of, and rapport with, magistrates and judges in Sydney and indeed across the state.

    Our team’s extensive experience before the courts ensures your case is tailored to the specific nuances of individual judicial officers, maximising the likelihood of a favourable result.

  12. Convenience

    We have offices in locations across the Sydney Metropolitan Area and beyond, including:

    We offer free parking at our Sydney CBD offices, and all of our offices are close to train stations and bus terminals.

    For those who are unable to attend our offices, we offer conferences by telephone, Skye and FaceTime anywhere around the world.

    If you are going to court and wish to arrange a free first consultation, call our 24 hour hotline on (02) 9261 8881 or send us an email at

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Recent Cases near Parramatta

Negligent Driving Appeal Upheld

Our client is a 51 year old owner of a security company who lives in South-West Sydney.

He was turning right at an intersection when his car collided with an oncoming car driven by a 20-year old P-plater.

Police attended the scene, determined that our client was at-fault and later issued him with a future court attendance notice for negligent driving not occasioning death or grievous bodily harm.

He self-represented him Bankstown Local Court, where he was found guilty on the basis that he failed to keep a proper lookout for the oncoming vehicle, fined $1,500 and disqualified from driving for 12 months.

He then saw us for advice and, after taking detailed instructions, it became evident there was a reasonable possibility the magistrate had made an error by finding him guilty.

We then filed an ‘all grounds appeal’ and obtained the transcript of evidence, which supported a reasonable inference that the oncoming vehicle was speeding and that our client was indeed keeping a lookout but could not have avoided the collision.

The appeal ultimately came before Parramatta District Court where we tendered detailed written submissions outlining the law and the fact that the evidence did not support a finding of guilt, especially given the absence of a prosecution expert and the conflicting evidence.

After making additional submissions, His Honour agreed that the prosecution did not prove its case to the required standard. He therefore upheld the appeal and quashed the conviction, fine and disqualification.

No Conviction for Drive Whilst Disqualified and State False Name

Our client is a 22-year-old law and psychology student from Bella Vista. He was driving home from the gym when stopped by police for a random breath test. At the time, he was already disqualified due to a previous major traffic offence.

Police asked him to produce his driver licence. Our client said he left it at home because he was just going to the gym.

Police then asked him to provide his name and date of birth, and our client provided false details which did not match any person on the police system.

He was then charged with ‘driving whilst disqualified’ and ‘driver or rider state false name or home address.’ He pleaded guilty to both charges.

Our lawyers assisted him to obtain various documents in preparation for his sentencing proceedings.

We made lengthy submissions in court primarily focusing on the potential effect of a criminal conviction on his intended future career in law.

Despite the fact that our client already had a major traffic offence on his record, we persuaded the Magistrate in Parramatta Local Court to deal with both charges by way of section 10 bonds – which means he has no further criminal record.

No Conviction or Disqualification for High Range Drink Driving

The Magistrate in Parramatta Local Court awarded our 32 year old client a 'section 10' for high range p.c.a. which means that he avoids a criminal conviction and gets his licence back.

Our client works as an Information Technology expert in a large Sydney-based company.

He lives with his wife and young daughter in Westmead.

The family attended an event in Parramatta where our client drank a number of alcoholic drinks throughout the course of the evening.

He stopped drinking between 10.30pm and 11pm, and only drank water after that.

He 'felt fine', although 'a little tired', and commenced driving home shortly after midnight.

He was pulled over for a roadside random breath test just before 12.20am.

He blew a positive reading, and was arrested and taken to the police station where he registered a reading of 0.170.

He was then charged with high range drink driving.

He saw a number of lawyers before seeing us.

He informed us that his job requires him to drive between various branches of his company at short notice to perform IT maintenance duties, and that his position may be reviewed if he has any criminal convictions.

We asked whether his employment contract might confirm this.

He produced the relevant parts of his contract which indeed confirmed both of those matters.

We advised him to undertake a Traffic Offender Program, to gather character references (including one from a work colleague) and to prepare a 'letter of apology' to the court describing his remorse and the impact that a conviction would have on his career and family.

We also referred him to see a counsellor.

We provided him and his 'referees' with detailed advice about how to prepare references.

We obtained a positive letter from the counsellor.

In court, it took a great deal of effort to finally convince the Magistrate to award our client a 'section 10', and to therefore allow him to keep his licence and avoid a conviction.

He was extremely satisfied with the result because he had previously been advised that it would be impossible to achieve a section 10 in his situation.

Section 10 for Third 'Drink Driving' Charge

In Parramatta District Court, Sydney Criminal Lawyers® obtained a 'Section 10' ( no criminal record or licence disqualification) for a 38 year old Blacktown man who pleaded guilty to a 3rd drink driving charge was dealt with under ‘Section 10’ (i.e. without conviction, fine or disqualification).

The case was initially in Blacktown Local Court where the Presiding Magistrate had imposed a conviction, 12 months disqualification, an $800 fine and $76 court costs.

Sydney Criminal Lawyers® successfully appealed that decision and our client, who needs his licence for employment, can retain his job and continue to support his wife and two young children.

Client Escapes Criminal Record after Making Serious Threats to Work Cover

Our client is a 53 year old man who suffered a serious work accident in 2008, during which he sustained a range of serious injuries.

He has been dealing with Work Cover ever since that accident.

Frustrated by the perceived attitude of that agency, he made a series of telephone threats to Work Cover employees shortly after the Lindt Café Siege - the most serious of which was “I’ll go get a gun and come down to your office and make Martin Place look like a joke”.

Needless to say, those threats were taken very seriously by Work Cover employees and by police, who arrested and charged him with ‘use carriage service to menace / harass / offend’ under section 474.17 of the Commonwealth Criminal Code Act.

Despite the seriousness of the charge, our lawyers persuaded the Magistrate in Parramatta Local Court to deal with our client under section 19B of the Commonwealth Crimes Act, which means that he escapes a criminal record altogether.

Successful District Court Appeal Keeps Client Out of Prison

A 53 year old man from Canley Vale called our firm after he was convicted and sentenced to 1 year and 3 months prison in Liverpool Local Court when represented by another criminal law firm.

He had pleaded 'not guilty' to 'armed with intent to commit an indictable offence', 'resisting arrest' and 'common assault'.

He had prior convictions for assault and intimidation.

The present charges arose when he allegedly ran at his neighbour with a large meat cleaver and swung it towards the man's head up to eight times, missing him by just centimetres, then pursuing him for a further 15 metres before the man got away.

Police were called and struggled to arrest and detain him.

His local court hearing lasted nearly a full day and he was found guilty.

He called our firm approximately one week after he lodged an appeal against his conviction.

In accordance with our practice, we obtained all 'transcripts' of the Local Court case - which contain everything said during the Local Court hearing.

Transcripts are very important because appeals to the District Court against conviction (ie against a 'not guilty' verdict) are almost exclusively based upon what is contained in the Local Court transcripts.

Our Defence Team reviewed the 'police brief of evidence' (which are the witness statements etc gathered by police earlier-on) and the transcripts, and quickly came to the view that his hearing was prepared and conducted poorly, and that his prospects of defeating the conviction were very slim.

It also became abundantly clear that, due to the witness statements against him, his lawyers should have negotiated less-serious charges and advised him to plead guilty, rather than taking his case all the way to an expensive defended hearing.

We provided our client with detailed and open advice about his prospects on appeal.

That advice was essentially that we should focus on keeping him out of prison by pushing for a more lenient penalty (which is called a 'severity appeal') rather than trying to get the verdict of 'not guilty' overturned altogether (called a 'conviction appeal').

Our client accepted that advice and agreed to see a counsellor for 'anger management'.

We met with him and his family several times in the lead-up to his court date.

We gathered a range of favourable materials including a counselling report, employment records and various references.

We argued his case in Parramatta District Court where we convinced the Judge to overturn the sentence of imprisonment, and to give him a 15 month 'suspended sentence' instead.

This means that he stays out of prison and can get on with his life.

Our client and his family were very pleased and relieved about the outcome.

Client Avoids Conviction After Assaulting Bus Driver

Our client was charged with 'Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm' after wrestling a bus driver to the ground and then striking him to the stomach, legs and arms causing bruising and abrasions.

The incident occurred way back on 8th October 2013 when our client took offence to a bus driver parking opposite his house.

He approached and entered the bus and then wrestled the driver out onto the footpath.

The incident was captured on CCTV footage and witnessed by members of the public, who gave statements to police.

After charges were pressed, our client approached another criminal law firm who advised him that he may have a legal defence - which was manifestly incorrect.

Sadly, our client was charged thousands of dollars during the course of the proceedings, and then told on the day before the hearing that his lawyer was busy elsewhere and could not attend.

He called us at 8.45am on the morning of the hearing, and our team did everything we could to ensure he was looked after.

After reviewing the materials and footage, and obtaining our client's instructions, it became abundantly clear that he did not have a valid legal defence (our client had already suspected that this was the case).

We ensured that an experienced lawyer attended Parramatta Local Court that morning, and did what should have been done a year earlier - successfully persuading the prosecutor to downgrade the charge of 'Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm' to the less-serious charge of 'Common Assault' and amending the police 'facts' so that the case was much less serious.

Our client then entered a plea of guilty to the lesser charge, and the Magistrate was persuaded to grant him a 'section 10'. This means that he avoids a criminal conviction altogether - which is what he wanted from the start.

No Conviction for Serious Assault

The Magistrate in Parramatta Local Court was persuaded to not record a criminal conviction against our 50 year old client from Mount Druitt who was initially charged with 'Attempt to Choke' and Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm.

'Attempt to Choke' charges are considered to be very serious and carry a maximum penalty of 25 years imprisonment.

The charges arose from a domestic incident when our client became enraged after finding his 16 year old daughter in bed with a male at the family home.

The daughter alleged that her father kicked and punched her several times to the legs, rib cage and face causing bruises, redness and swelling.

She further alleged that her father then attempted to choke her to the point where she almost passed-out.

The boyfriend begged to leave and ran out of the home.

Police were called and took photos of injuries to the daughter's body, face and neck.

Despite the photos and eye-witness evidence from the boyfriend, our Defence Team managed to have both charges withdrawn on the basis that our client pleaded guilty to the much less serious charge of 'Common Assault'.

This meant that the case stayed in the Local Court rather than going up to the District Court.

The Magistrate was then persuaded to grant a 'section 10' which means that our client avoids a criminal conviction altogether.

Charges Dismissed due to Mental Health

Here are some recent examples of our criminal defence team getting charges dismissed due to mental health under 'section 32:

The Magistrate in Ryde Local Court dismissed charges of larceny against our 37 year old client who was caught stealing a trolley-load of goods from Myer. The case was persuasively argued by Mr Nedim and the Magistrate stated 'this is only the second section 32 that I have granted out of about 20 since I came to Ryde in April'.

Downing Centre Local Court dismissed charges of Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm and Common Assault against our 24 year old client despite it being his second assault case within 2 years. He received a criminal conviction for his previous case after his lawyers failed to inform him that his mental condition could be used to have his case dismissed.

Parramatta Local Court dismissed drug possession charges against our 33 year old client who was caught with 9 ecstacy tablets in his pocket. He was initially charged with 'supply' but Sydney Criminal Lawyers® had that charge withdrawn. The court found that there was a link between our client's underlying depression and his use of drugs, and that the proposed treatment plan was adequate.

Wagga Wagga Local Court dismissed a charge of 'use carriage service to make hoax threat' against our 45 year old client who contacted the NSW Fire Service advising that a bomb had been placed at a fire station. The court found a significant link between our client's post traumatic stress and his actions.

Our Senior Criminal Lawyers persuasively argued each of the cases in court.

No Conviction for Assault Occasioning ABH Causing Broken Nose

In Parramatta District Court, Sydney Criminal Lawyers® obtained a 'section 10' (no conviction) for a 21 year old security guard who punched a soccer fan in the face resulting in a broken nose and extensive bruising.

The incident occurred during a tense match between the Western Wanderers and Sydney FC.

A patron ran onto the ground and security guards followed.

Our client attempted to jump over the fence onto the playing field to join the other guards, but felt the complainant holding his foot. It was claimed that the complainant was just trying to help our client over the fence.

Our client turned and punched the man in the face causing extensive injuries requiring hospitalisation and surgery.

The case is an example that 'section 10' is available despite serious injuries being occasioned.

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