Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 28 December 2020 to 3 January 2021

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:
NSW Police Fatally Shoot Young Man in Sydney
Police will internally investigate an incident whereby four plain clothed officers in an unmarked car approached and shot dead a ‘suspicious’ looking 20-year old.
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Are Recordings of Private Conversations Admissible in Court?
The NSW Supreme Court recently allowed the use of a conversation recorded without the consent of one party, because it was made to protect the recorder’s lawful interests.
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As the Climate Crisis Accelerates, Morrison Shrugs Off a Future for Short-Term Profit
The Climate Reality Check report has issued a stark warning about where we’re headed.
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Season’s Greetings: Australia Continues its Inhumane Treatment of Refugees
Police have executed a “full-scale military-looking operation” to move genuine refugees to another location to be locked-up again.
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The Offence of Conspiracy to Defraud the Commonwealth
The son and daughter of a former deputy tax commissioner are on trial for allegedly defrauding the Commonwealth of $105 million through a complex tax avoidance scheme.
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Court Reveals Identity of Lawyer Charged with Aggravated Sexual Assault
The NSW Supreme Court refused to grant a name suppression order for a criminal defence lawyer charged with aggravated sexual assault.
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Truth-Telling: Activist Stephen Langford on Facing Time Over Craft Gluing a Colonial Statue
A man is facing criminal charges for pasting paper to a colonial statue quoting Governor Macquarie’a remarks about Indigenous people.
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Heartless Government’s Automated System Threatens to Stop Pension Payments
Hundreds of pensioners have been placed under unnecessary stress after receiving automatically generated letters which threaten to take away their pensions.
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War Resumes in Occupied Western Sahara: An Interview With Polisario’s Kamal Fadel
“[T]he people of Western Sahara have decided to continue their legitimate armed struggle for the liberation of their homeland.”
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Federal Government’s New IR Laws: Further Weakening Employee Protections
The new laws have been described as a “diabolical” further dilution of worker rights.
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Why Are Australian Governments Constructing the Surveillance State?
Successive Australian governments have been systematically removing freedoms and safeguards, while bolstering their surveillance of citizens.
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Gladys Makes Masks Mandatory in Greater Sydney
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Independent OPCAT Inspections Will Improve the Plight of Youth Detainees
There are calls for independent inspections of youth detention centres in New South Wales.
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If you are going to court for a criminal or traffic case, call us anytime on (02) 9261 8881 to arrange a free first conference with an experienced criminal lawyer at Parramatta, the Sydney CBD, Liverpool, Penrith, Bankstown, Chatswood, Wollongong or Newcastle.