COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries Have Largely Been Ignored

There’s growing momentum around the acknowledgement of vaccination injuries despite them being ignored by big pharma, the medical profession, and governments around the world, including our own.
As medical professionals point out, unless a vaccine injury was diagnosed immediately following the Covid-19 vaccination it can be hard to detect.
But let’s take a step back and remember that period of time for a moment – 2020-2021 – when Doctors were threatened with deregistration for not promoting positive messages around the Government rollout of Covid vaccinations, vaccination mandates were in place, circumventing vaccination rules, was virtually impossible as was getting a medical exemption.
Even now, some months on from vaccination mandates – many GPs just don’t seem to want to consider the potential for vaccination injury in patients presenting with symptoms they can trace back to the jab.
This is only making it harder for sufferers to have their symptoms taken seriously or get access to specialist medical help to assist with diagnosis.
Getting a vaccine injury diagnosis is not easy
There is a wide-ranging spectrum of side-effects and symptoms such as severe heart palpitations, myocarditis, pericarditis, shortness of breath, unexplained muscle aches and nerve pain, tingling, headaches, a feeling of pressure in the head/ on the brain and joint pain.
While not life threatening in most cases, these medical issues are incredibly debilitating, impacting quality of life.
So what about the Federal Government compensation scheme?
The scheme itself is quite limited. Furthermore, applications need to be filled out by a health professional. And so the issue comes full circle. If GPs cannot definitively and confidently diagnose an injury, or don’t consider symptoms sufficient to provide a patient with a referral to a specialist who can, then the compensation application can not be completed and filed.
Time to acknowledge the potential harm
But there is an increasing number of health professionals who – despite threats by the Australian Health Practitioners Association (AHPRA) of de-registration – are speaking out, and working together to share patient data to raise the issue and begin the process of effectively helping these people.
These health professionals are also frustrated by a lack of acknowledgement and reporting around vaccination injury, which makes finding treatments more difficult, which results in a patient suffering for longer.
There is, amongst medical professionals and sufferers still a degree of ‘shyness’ in talking about the issue, mostly out of concern that the information they share will be used by conspiracy theorists and the anti-vax movement (such is the divisiveness created by Covid).
But that’s just not a good enough reason to keep the issue secret.
And, while the big pharmaceutical companies continue to benefit from the money-making opportunity of a lifetime, with vaccine programmes supported by the World Health Organisation, and governments around the world, it’s questionable whether there is any incentive for them to make vaccines safer unless we can truly present a need for them to be made safer.
As a result, as time goes on, more people are likely to suffer.
In Australia, vaccines are available to anyone over the age of five years.
Vaccination is recommended by the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) for specific risk groups, such as, for example, the elderly, people with respiratory diseases such as asthma and children aged 6 months to under 5 years who have severe immunocompromise, disability, or complex and/or multiple health conditions which increase the risk of severe COVID-19.
But perhaps it’s time to put the brakes on and assess where we are in 2023.
A thorough review of Australia’s vaccination programme will not only help to identify those people who may be in a particular risk group for vaccination injury, but provide vital information to base treatments on …As well as important road maps for future governing during a health crisis.
Currently there is a federal parliamentary inquiry underway into long covid (symptoms remaining for several months after the initial infection was diagnosed) and repeated Covid.
The inquiry is not specifically tasked with investigating vaccine injuries, however, former AMA president and former Federal MP, Dr Kerryn Phelps wrote in her submission to the inquiry that “without acknowledgment and recognition of post-vaccination syndrome or vaccine injury, there can be no progress in developing protocols for diagnosis and treatment and it is difficult to be included in research projects or treatment programs. It has also meant a long and frustrating search for acknowledgment and an attempt at treatment for many individual patients.”
Another reason Australia should be cautious about the Pandemic Treaty
And it would be ideal to have reviews conducted – at least in part, with preliminary conclusions – before Australia rushes ahead and signs up to the ‘Global Pandemic Treaty’ currently being pushed by the World Health Organisation.
WHO’s stance with regard to vaccinations (as outlined on its website) is that it is “determined to maintain the momentum for increasing access to COVID-19 vaccines and will continue to support countries in accelerating vaccine delivery, to save lives and prevent people from becoming seriously ill.
Countries should continue to work towards vaccinating at least 70% of their populations, prioritizing the vaccination of 100% of health workers and 100% of the most vulnerable groups, including people who are over 60 years of age and those who are immunocompromised or have underlying health conditions.
Along with its ‘Pandemic Treaty’ WHO wants a digital health certificate introduced. Given its continued vaccination push, it’s only natural to assume that digital health certificates will be potentially another way of controlling who has had the jab and who hasn’t.
In the US, statistics show that 60 percent of Americans want congress to investigate the safety of Covid-19 vaccines and 7 per cent, or around 12 million, say they have experienced a “major side effect” from an ‘approved’ vaccine.
The US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, which recommends all Americans aged six months or older be vaccinated against Covid-19 maintains the vaccines are “safe and effective” and injuries “rare”.
A growing body of evidence
Senator Gerrad Rennick has long been a voice for Australians suffering from Covid-19 injuries and his website showcases many stories of people who have vaccination injuries, providing a significant body of evidence gathered over many months.
One thing is clear, with growing numbers of people now recognising vaccination injuries, and without an effective, open, transparent community discussion around the issue, many Australians are likely to take matters into their own hands and take civil action.
While this can be costly and time consuming, it may be the only option for some sufferers.
It is possible too, that a class action may develop over time. It was, after all, Governments who coerced Australians into getting vaccinated with various ‘no jab, no job’ policies, and the possibility of jail time if unvaccinated people visited pubs and clubs and some other services, as well as border closures.
It’s time they acknowledged and assisted the people who followed these directives, and have suffered for it.