Blak Caucus Protest for First Nations Rights on Gadigal in Sydney in Photos

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Blak Caucus Protest in Sydney

An impressive crowd gathered on Gadigal land before Sydney Town Hall on Saturday, 7 December, for the Justice for First Nations rally to mark International Human Rights Day, despite the fact that it was pissing down rain, and the humidity was through the roof.

“International Human Rights Day falls on 10 December. First Nations people must recognise that on this land, they have their human rights ripped away from them more than any other race,” said Dunghutti social justice activist Paul Silva.

“We must recognise when the First Fleet landed off these shores, they had directions and orders to make the First Nations people – the Aboriginal people – extinct,” the MC for the event continued.

“For me, and for many other Aboriginal people right across this colonised land known as Australia, we stand firm that the land must be returned to the First Nations people.”

Silva added that there has been a spike in First Nations deaths in custody over the last year. The Guardian reported in mid-November that since January, 22 Aboriginal people had died in the custody of either the NSW Police Force or Corrective Services NSW.

Wiradjuri man Ethan Lyons explained that “we are seeing record breaking numbers this year of women being killed. We are seeing children being locked up as young as 10.”

“We see them killing themselves in gaol because they can’t handle the colonial gaols and systems that oppress them,” The Blak Caucus member continued.

“We see queer and trans mob in gaols being denied access to the health and safety they need and killing themselves and dying because the colony does that to them.”

Sydney Criminal Lawyers was on the ground to show support.

Dunghutti social justice activist Paul Silva led the Justice for First Nations rally for International Human Rights Day through the Sydney CBD streets on Saturday
Dunghutti social justice activist Paul Silva led the Justice for First Nations rally for International Human Rights Day through the Sydney CBD streets on Saturday

View from the NSW Supreme Court
View from the NSW Supreme Court

So they say…
So they say…
Wiradjuri elder Uncle Dave Bell paid respects to the clans around NSW by taking the crowd in unison through them
Wiradjuri elder Uncle Dave Bell paid respects to the clans around NSW by taking the crowd in unison through them
Wiradjuri man Lyons
Wiradjuri man Lyons said that the current politics people have aren’t “keeping up with the rate that mob are dying”, so it’s time for a change in politics “grounded in grassroots mob”
The rally was organised by The Blak Caucus and Sydney Basin Aboriginal Tent Embassy
The rally was organised by The Blak Caucus and Sydney Basin Aboriginal Tent Embassy
Won’t you take me to…
Won’t you take me to…

Always was, always will be…
Always was, always will be…

Traffic did get held up on Macquarie Street for some time on Saturday. So, hopefully, the Minns government enacts some more antiprotest laws to prevent this from happening again
Traffic did get held up on Macquarie Street for some time on Saturday. So, hopefully, the Minns government enacts some more antiprotest laws to prevent this from happening again

Paul Gregoire

Paul Gregoire is a Sydney-based journalist and writer. He's the winner of the 2021 NSW Council for Civil Liberties Award For Excellence In Civil Liberties Journalism. Prior to Sydney Criminal Lawyers®, Paul wrote for VICE and was the news editor at Sydney’s City Hub.

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