Animal Welfare League: Helping Abandoned Pets Find Loving Homes

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Animal shelter

Australians have very few rights compared to those in many other developed countries – but our furry friends have even less.

While there are some laws in place to protect animals against cruelty and mistreatment, this legislation is far from perfect, and is seldom enforced. Many animals are subjected to abuse, abandonment or neglect – and perpetrators are rarely held responsible.

Thousands of pets are abandoned and mistreated in NSW every year, with no one to protect or stand up for them.

The Animal Welfare League NSW

This is where the Animal Welfare League NSW (AWL) comes in. Since 1958, the AWL has been dedicated to helping animals who have found themselves without a home through abandonment, neglect or cruelty. The charity takes care of animals at its shelters and uses its network of supporters to find happy homes for them.

AWL operates three shelters which care for animals that have been abandoned, surrendered or rescued. It also offers discount de-sexing through 13 volunteers, and two full time workers investigate reports of animal cruelty or neglect.

The charity also offers educational programs to help those with pets take care of them, in an effort to promote animal welfare.

Sick and injured animals are nursed back to health by vets and AWL also provides a pet boarding service families can enjoy their holidays without neglecting their furry family members.

Thousands of animals come AWL’s doors each year – last year a staggering 13,053 animals who were abandoned, sick or injured were treated by charity.

One of those animals was Alfie, a blind, eleven-year-old Maltese cross. After a tip-off from a concerned neighbour, AWL found Alfie suffering from numerous health problems including rotten teeth, ear infections and constantly itching skin. His fur was matted and flea-infested.

But the team at AWL took him in and gave him much-needed treatment. Alfie responded well to medical treatment and rehabilitation – but he loved nothing better than receiving hugs from the staff at AWL.

Fortunately, Alfie is now healthy and happy in his new, loving home – but there are many more just like Alfie waiting to be rescued from cruelty and neglect.

AWL supports ‘Getting 2 Zero’ – a policy aimed at reducing the number of healthy and treatable animals down to zero in each city and shire. The charity has certainly played its part, helping to save the lives and re-home thousands of animals.

How Can I Help?

AWL’s work is a life-saver for abused pets – but they can’t do it without community support.

The charity spends over half a million dollars just on vet bills for abandoned animals, and relies on public donations to continue providing support and care.

Sydney Criminal Lawyers® is proud to help by donating $1,000 to assist with the great work they do.

If you would like to donate too, you can do so by clicking on the following link: Animal Welfare League Donation Page.

There are a number of other ways you can directly support AWL. If you are thinking about adopting a pet into your family, you may want to check out the animals currently awaiting new homes at AWL.

But if you are considering adoption, please make sure you are ready for the responsibility by reading up about what you need to know before adopting a pet.

Alternatively, AWL uses volunteer to provide foster care for animals and opportunities to volunteer at the shelters, working directly with the animals.

For more information about AWL and what they do, visit:

Ugur Nedim

Ugur Nedim

Ugur Nedim is an Accredited Criminal Law Specialist with 26 years of experience as a Criminal Defence Lawyer. He is the Principal of Sydney Criminal Lawyers®.

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