Emma Starr

Emma Starr
Emma Starr is a freelance writer, copywriter and developer who has authored articles in a range of publications, from legal to automotive and travel, presenting technical, complex and detailed information in a concise and user-friendly manner.

Police Warn of ‘Blessing Scam’ Targeting Elderly Chinese Women

New South Wales police and Scamwatch are warning of a fraud scheme which primarily targets elderly Chinese women, claiming they and their families are at risk from evil spirits before offering to ‘bless’ them in exchange for money or luxury...

Proof of Stealing or Taking a Motor Vehicle Can Be Elusive for Prosecutors

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A recent incident involving five teenagers allegedly stealing a car before crashing into another vehicle two days later and causing serious injuries to one of the occupants of the stolen car has potentially left prosecutors with difficulties in establishing criminal...

Prohibition is Failing to Reduce the Social, Economic and Health Risks of Illicit Drugs

Federal law enforcement agencies are boasting of two “major drug seizures” during a 48 hour “blitz” at Sydney Airport from 21 to 23 September 2024. But drug reform experts assert that such “victories” are merely a pin prick to the...

Harsher Domestic Violence and AVO Laws Enacted in New South Wales

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Domestic violence offences continue to be prevalent across Australia, despite a range of initiatives aimed at effecting cultural change and supporting those affected, as well as recently passed laws which make it more difficult for those accused of domestic or...

Consumer Watchdog Takes Action Against Supermarket Giants for False or Misleading Claims

Supermarket giants Coles and Woolworths control 67% of the Australian retail grocery market – the highest percentage of any developed nation - giving them the power to unfairly exploit producers and set unreasonably high prices for consumers. One of the...

The Laws, Defences and Penalties for Failing to Lodge a Tax Return in Australia

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A Queensland lawyer who charged with five tax offences involving 105 breaches of taxation legislation has been suspended from practising law until 27 February 2026. The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal published a judgment on 18 September 2024 which found...

The Futile War on Drugs Continues to Fuel Violent Crime and Endanger the Public

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New South Wales police are claiming that recent raids on 20 homes across Sydney in which ‘underworld figures’ are believed to reside has effectively dismantled an alleged organised crime network labelled as ‘The Commission’. However, there are fears the raids...

The Offence of Aggravated Sexual Intercourse in Company in New South Wales

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Three men who were found guilty of sexually assaulting three women during a Bucks weekend in Newcastle are awaiting their penalties after sentencing submissions were made before the New South Wales District Court. The men - 30-year olds Andrew David...

What is the Likely Penalty for Robbery Offences in New South Wales?

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A Sydney man is facing charges of aggravated robbery, police pursuit, and take & drive conveyance over allegations he forcibly took a taxi from a driver. Officers attached to Cumberland Police Area Command were patrolling Merrylands in Western Sydney at...

‘Sexsomnia’ and the Legal Defence of Automatism in New South Wales

A Sydney man has been found not guilty of a string of sexual offences against children after raising evidence that he was asleep and suffering from ‘sexsomnia’ during the incidents, and that he was therefore acting involuntarily – a requirement...
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