Zeb Holmes

Zeb Holmes
Zeb Holmes is a lawyer with a passion for social justice who advocates criminal law reform, and a member of the content team at Sydney Criminal Lawyers®.

Brain Stimulation Could Reduce Likelihood of Offending

A new study has found that electrical brain stimulation could reduce the likelihood of offending, which researchers hope may help to subdue the violent impulses of psychopaths and other offenders in the lead up to their release into the community....

Northern Territory and ACT Fight to Legalise Euthanasia

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The Northern Territory and ACT may soon have control over their euthanasia laws, after a motion was recently introduced in the Federal Senate. The motion, brought by Liberal Democrats senator David Leyonhjelm, would see territory governments free to legislate on...

Does a Rise in Immigrants Correspond with an Increase in Crime?

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US President Donald Trump has repeatedly claimed that any rise in undocumented immigration will lead to increased crime rates. “It’s looking like [the Democrats] really want open borders, and they want really crime to pour in,” Mr Trump has said,...

Criminal Laws Only Deter When They Are Seen as Just

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Politicians often invoke tough-on-crime rhetoric to win votes - playing to popular perceptions that penalties are too weak and that, when dealing with defendants, magistrates and judges should ‘lock’em up and throw away the key’. There is also a popular...

Should We Be Allowed to Carry ‘Prohibited Weapons’ for Self-Defence?

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A Queensland senator recently called upon the Federal Government to allow Australians to import and buy pepper spray and Tasers for self-defence. Katter Australia Party’s Fraser Anning, who moved the motion in the upper house, argued it is the government’s...

Medically Supervised Injecting Centre to Open in Melbourne

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In the wake of 34 deaths by overdose in the North Richmond local council area in 2015 alone, the Victorian state government responded to community calls for a safe injecting room late last year by approving a two-year trial. Victoria’s...

New Laws Passed Against ‘Modern Slavery’

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New South Wales has become the first Australian jurisdiction to introduce legislation against what has come to be known as ‘modern slavery’. The new law The Modern Slavery Bill 2018 (NSW) was introduced into parliament by Paul Green, who was the...

Should NSW Have An Indigenous Court?

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The NSW Bar Association of and Police Association are jointly calling upon the state government to provide funding for an Indigenous Court, with a view to reducing reoffending rates and the disproportionate number of First Peoples imprisoned in our state....

Canada Set to Legalise Recreational Cannabis

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Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced that recreational cannabis will become legal throughout the country on October 17. Both houses of parliament have voted to repeal drug charges for small possession and limited cultivation, making Canada the first G7...

Government Bans Anti-Abortion Activism Near Reproductive Health Clinics

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The NSW government has passed laws to impose 150-metre ‘safe access zones’ around abortion clinics. The new laws were passed through the legislative assembly by a majority of 61 votes to 18, and will see anti-abortion activists face prison time...
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