Tough New Laws Against Hate Speech
The NSW government is proposing to introduce new laws designed to crack down on hate speech and racial vilification that are intended to incite violence. Under the proposed new laws, those who incite or threaten violence against others on the...
Trio Not Guilty of Breaking Anti-Protest Laws
Mudgee Local Court magistrate David Day has dismissed the proceedings against two women and a man who were arrested and charged last year while protesting against the expansion of the Wilpinjong coal mine, near the town of Wollar where they live....
Double Jeopardy Laws in New South Wales
The principle of double jeopardy stipulates that a person cannot be tried twice over the same offence. The rationale is that a person who is acquitted after being put through the ordeal of a criminal trial should be able to...
Facial Recognition Technology: Turning Innocent People Into Suspects
The South Wales police are standing by their facial recognition software despite the fact that its use during last year’s Champions League Final yielded a 92% rate of false positives. Data published on the force’s website suggests that of the...
Police Commissioner Guilty of Attempting to Pervert the Course of Justice
A Supreme Court jury has found former Northern Territory police commissioner John McRoberts guilty of attempting to pervert the course of justice. Mr McRoberts faces up to 15 years in prison after he attempted to “deflect” or “frustrate” a 2014...
Big Banks Get Away With Fines Despite Allowing Money Laundering to Flourish
The global drug trade is estimated to be worth half a trillion US dollars every year, which accounts for around 1% of all worldwide trade. Those in the higher echelons of drug enterprises are constantly looking for ways to launder...
When Can a Defendant be Granted a Judge-Alone Trial in NSW?
The high profile criminal prosecution of Cardinal George Pell has raised concerns about whether Australia’s most senior Catholic will have the benefit of an impartial jury during his pending trial in Melbourne. This, in turn, has triggered debate about whether...
No Criminal Charges for Don Dale Abuse
Northern Territory police have decided not to bring criminal charges against officers accused of mistreating young people at Don Dale detention centre. The co-commissioner of the Royal Commission into Youth Detention and Child Protection, Margaret White and Mick Gooda, said...
Calls for Crackdown on ‘Gay Conversion’ Therapy
‘Gay conversion’ therapy typically refers to the practice of persuading homosexual people to become heterosexual. It is a practice used across Australia for decades, and is usually practised by religious groups on children and teenagers. Moves to regulate the practice...
Bring Back Beatings and Ban Immigrants, demands NSW Liberal Party Branch President
A branch of the NSW Liberal Party is set to debate proposals which call for the return of corporal punishment, an immediate ban on immigration and the abolition of the judges in the sentencing process. The president of the hard-right...