Zeb Holmes

Zeb Holmes
Zeb Holmes is a lawyer with a passion for social justice who advocates criminal law reform, and a member of the content team at Sydney Criminal Lawyers®.

NT Juvenile Justice to Focus on Prevention, Rather than Incarceration

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The Northern Territory government will spend an extra $18.2 million annually to overhaul its troubled juvenile justice system, focusing on prevention and diversion rather than incarceration. “… we have to make sure we prevent crime before it occurs,” NT Chief...

“Good People Don’t Smoke Marijuana”: New US Chief Lawyer an Obstacle to Reform

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US President Donald Trump has named Jeff Sessions as the US Attorney General, the chief lawyer and prosecutor for the federal government. There are concerns Mr Session’s appointment will mean the end of proposals designed to reduce the US prison...

Preventative Programs are Primarily Responsible for Decline in NSW Crime

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A Sydney criminologist believes that the implementation of preventative and diversionary strategies is the primary reason for most categories of crime declining across the state in recent years. Dr Garner Clancey, a senior lecturer at the University of Sydney, points...

Police Accused of Altering Crime Statistics

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Two high-ranking Gold Coast crime managers have raised concerns that crime statistics are being manipulated by the police service in an effort to keep crimes and complaints from being recorded. The officers have reported that complaints against police and legitimate...

Renewed Calls to Protect Whistleblowers

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Senator Nick Xenophon wants to get rid of laws that make it a criminal offence for public sector employees to leak information that is embarrassing to the government. The laws Section 70 of the Crimes Act 1914 (Cth) (‘the Act’)...

NSW Parliament Will Debate Voluntary Euthanasia

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A law which would legalise voluntary assisted dying will come before NSW Parliament this year, potentially empowering terminally ill adults to choose when to end their lives. A cross-party working group is finalising draft legislation as early as next month....

Aussies Demand Federal Corruption Watchdog

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More than 80 per cent of Australians believe a watchdog is required to make federal politicians accountable, similar to the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) in NSW. The new poll of 2285 Australians- carried out on Thursday night by data...

Murder for Hire in Australia

2016 was a big year for media coverage of contract killings. The year started with the murder of Joseph Acquaro, the criminal defence lawyer for Melbourne crime boss Rocco Arico. More recently, crime figure Pasquale Barbaro lost his life in...

Blaming Immigrants for Melbourne’s Youth Crime Wave: Fact vs Fiction

Recent crime statistics fly in the face of mainstream media reports that Sudanese immigrants are largely responsible for a rise in youth crime in Victoria. The statistics suggest that youth crime is overwhelmingly committed by those born in Australia, leading to...

New Offence Targets Adults who Procure Children to Commit Crimes

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Adults who encourage children to commit crimes could face lengthy prison sentences under new laws to be introduced into Victorian Parliament. The proposal comes on the back of assertions by Victoria Police that organised crime groups are grooming young members...
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