COVID Information

NSW Police State Moves to Silence Protest Voices

The scene was reminiscent of what one might expect to be depicted in a photo of Mussolini’s fascist Italy. However, the massive 600 police officer presence in the Sydney CBD last Friday night marked a new post-COVID lockdown show of...

People Power Can Halt Gas Expansion: An Interview With Stop CSG Sydney’s Pip Hinman

On 3 June, a bill that would have imposed a statewide ban on coal seam gas (CSG) expansion passed in the upper house of NSW parliament. However, the Berejiklian goon squad made sure it appeared prematurely in the lower house...

Public Health Orders in New South Wales

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Just when you thought COVID-19  restrictions were easing and you could go and have some fun socialising with your mates, Police in New South Wales have announced they’ll be out in force at pubs and clubs across the state to...

End Immigration Detention: Car Convoy Protest Descends on Villawood

Looking back from the vehicle having just turned left at a set of traffic lights in Villawood last Saturday afternoon, the convoy of cars calling for an end to refugee detention, stretched back down Christina Road as far as the...

Dutton Continues to Build the Surveillance State

Right before the COVID-19 pandemic forced the nation into lockdown, home affairs minister Peter Dutton introduced a new piece of legislation into parliament that would allow foreign security agencies to access the private data of Australian citizens. Currently under review,...

Premier Freezes Public Sector Pay, Having Approved 15% Pay Rise to Police Commissioner

Despite having just recently approved a massive pay rise to the New South Wales Police Chief, equivalent to about 15% of his salary, The Berejiklian government is now proposing a wage freeze for public servants, including frontline health staff. In...

“Seven Dark Years in Detention for What?”: An Interview With Kangaroo Point Detainee Abdullah Moradi

Right now, the Australian government is continuing to hold over 100 men at Kangaroo Point Central Hotel in inner city Brisbane, in a similar manner to how these asylum seekers were previously locked up on Manus and Nauru. These men...

RIP Press Freedom: PM Pressures ABC to Change Report About COVID-19 App

Last year, when the Australian Federal Police raided the home of journalist Annika Smethurst over a story she wrote about government plan to spy on ordinary Australians, and, days later,  the Sydney offices of the ABC in relation to a...

COVID Commission’s Gas Fuelled Recovery Is Grounded in Climate Denial

The Morrison government has taken the moment the coronavirus lockdown has afforded the nation to present a somewhat strong proactive pandemic response front, while in the background, it’s simply forging ahead with its “business as usual” fossil fuel agenda. At...

Government Moves to Silence Immigration Detainees Under Cover of COVID

Federal parliament convened for three emergency sitting days last week to deal with legislation that couldn’t wait until after the COVID-19 pandemic. And the Coalition decided a bill allowing for the confiscation of the mobile phones of refugees in detention...
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