Apprehended Violence Orders (AVOs)

Betrayed Domestic Violence Victim Sues Police

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The woman whose address was disclosed by a Queensland police officer to her abusive former partner is fighting the state government in court. Domestic violence victim ‘Julie’ commenced legal proceedings after a policeman accessed her personal details on the police...

Defendants in Domestic Violence Cases Prohibited from Questioning Complainants

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Currently, self-represented litigants in the Family Court are permitted to cross-examine opponents, even in circumstances where there has been an allegation of domestic violence. However, the Turnbull government has drafted laws aimed at stopping this. Australian attorney general Christian Porter...

Thirty Six Women Have Been Violently Killed in Australia This Year

Last Sunday, two women were killed in acts of violence perpetrated on opposite sides of the country. At around 4 am that morning, NSW police attended a Griffith residence to find 27-year-old Nicole Wetzler dead in a rear shed on the...

The Startling Truth about AVOs and Family Law

Statistics reveal that 1 in 3 Australian women experience physical violence over their lifetime. Family violence is being increasingly recognised as a widespread and serious issue in Australia with significant negative social, individual and community impacts. A powerful weapon against...

12 Reasons to Choose Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

Being prosecuted for a criminal or traffic offence can be a nerve-wracking experience. You may be unfamiliar with the process, unsure of the best way forward and concerned about the outcome. But whether you are charged with a less-serious matter...

Victims of Crime May Be Given Access to Perpetrators’ Super Funds

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Federal Minister for Revenue and Financial Services, Kelly O’Dwyer, has announced a review of the laws governing superannuation with a view to allowing victims of crime to access the funds of perpetrators. Ms O’Dwyer noted that the rules regarding the early...

Apprehended Domestic Violence Orders (ADVOs) Are Now Enforceable Nationwide

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As of 25 November 2017, ‘Persons in Need of Protection’ (PINOPs) – or complainants – who are the subject of domestic violence orders (DVOs) in any Australian state or territory are automatically protected nationwide. The National Domestic Violence Order Scheme...

Domestic Violence Video Statements Aren’t Increasing Convictions

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On June 1 2015, NSW became the first Australian jurisdiction to allow pre-recorded videos to be used as evidence in domestic violence cases. The Domestic Violence Evidence-in-Chief (DVEC) reforms allow the evidence in proceedings to be presented in either a video...

Should Complainants Have Access to Paid Domestic Violence Leave?

An average of one woman per week is killed at the hands of their present or former partner in Australia. With reports of domestic violence at an all-time high, there are calls for paid domestic violence leave to become standard...

Surveillance Cameras in the Neighbourhood

Ben moved into a rental property in July. He didn’t realise until a few weeks later that his neighbours had installed security cameras which capture not only their own property, but also Ben’s backyard. The cameras are small and hard...
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