Apprehended Violence Orders (AVOs)

NSW Police ‘Shoot First and Ask Questions Later’

The NSW Police Force Handbook is meant to be the gospel when it comes to policing in our state. It is a comprehensive, 518 page document which provides information, advice and guidance on practically every aspect of policing. The publicly...

Using Technology to Get Around Court Orders

Tracking devices placed in cars, in baby strollers and even in walking sticks. Electronic “gifts” with spyware or location apps enabled. The use of sophisticated technology to listen to telephone calls and hack into email and social media accounts. The...

Preventative Programs are Primarily Responsible for Decline in NSW Crime

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A Sydney criminologist believes that the implementation of preventative and diversionary strategies is the primary reason for most categories of crime declining across the state in recent years. Dr Garner Clancey, a senior lecturer at the University of Sydney, points...

January is ‘Divorce Month’ for Family Lawyers

The end of the year is meant to be a time to relax and unwind with family and friends. But for many, the financial pressures and unrealistic expectations of Christmas and New Year’s can take a heavy emotional toll. Add...

Community Services Stretched to Limit Over Christmas

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Holidays can be a stressful time - extra financial strain, perceived social expectations and excessive consumption of alcohol can add tension to family relationships. For many, the holiday period can be a catalyst for arguments – or even abuse. Many...

Police Officer Jokes About Giving Victim’s Address to Abusive Partner

A female victim of domestic violence feels betrayed by the Queensland Police Service (QPS), after a senior officer allegedly released her contact information to her abusive former partner. The victim, who trying to keep her address secret to prevent further...

Attempted Murderer Laughs at Victim in Court

Brisbane woman Rachel Moore says she didn’t expect her former-partner would even have the ‘guts to look at her’ in court, but that if he did, she thought he might show sorrow and regret. Instead, he looked at her and...

New Tenancy Laws Support Domestic Violence Victims

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Victims of domestic violence will soon be able to flee their homes faster and without penalty if they need to abandon a private or government tenancy, under new residential tenancy laws. The changes are designed to offer victims better protection...

Can police enter your home over a domestic dispute?

By Jimmy Singh Our client was approached by two police officers who attended his home following an allegation of a domestic violence dispute. Upon attendance, police knocked on the front door several times, then tried to look through the front...

Domestic Violence and Homelessness

Down the road from the centre of my hometown there’s a well known park - a wide open, grass covered space, next to a car park. During the day, the area is full of people lazing around in the sunshine,...
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