Apprehended Violence Orders (AVOs)

Lawyers at Schools: Promoting Access to Justice

A school in Victoria is pioneering a trial that’s giving students and families better access to legal services. Vincent Shin is Australia’s first school lawyer, working from the Grange P-12 College in Victoria. He looks just like any other twenty-something,...

Domestic Violence in Indigenous Communities: It’s Time for Change

The recent episode of Four Corners that exposed the brutal death of Aboriginal woman Lynette Daley, was chilling to watch. For some, it was simply another example of a callous death suffered by a female at the hands of men....

Dozens of NSW Police Facing Serious Criminal Charges

It has been reported that over 50 NSW police officers are facing a range of serious criminal charges, including sexual assault, child rape, domestic assault and perjury. The details, obtained under freedom of information laws, suggest that 32 of NSW...

Domestic Violence Records Now Accessible

New South Wales residents concerned about the risk of domestic violence are now be able to apply to access their partner’s criminal history. In an Australian first, NSW police are now able to reveal convictions related to murder, manslaughter, sexual...

The Forgotten Third: Men Who Suffer Domestic Violence

By Sonia Hickey What if I told you that a friend turned up on my doorstep last night: bruised, covered in bite marks and scratches, shaking, and soaking wet from a long walk in the rain. A victim of domestic...

AVOs May Soon Apply Across Australia

Government initiatives have so far failed to stamp-out the epidemic of domestic violence in Australia. Last week, NSW Attorney-General Gabrielle Upton appealed to all states and territories to follow NSW in tracking the movement of domestic violence offenders to other...

Spitting at a Baby, What’s the World Coming to?

Last week, a four-month old baby and her grandfather were enjoying a peaceful afternoon stroll down Crown Street in Surry Hills when a man, completely unknown to them, approached the pair and spat in the baby’s face. The man then...

Violence Against Women a “National Disgrace”

It was less than six months ago that Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull conceded violence against women is a “national disgrace”. Announcing $100 million in federal funding to help address the problem, he called for a “cultural shift” in men’s attitudes...

Do AVOs Protect Domestic Violence Victims?

Last week, yet another woman died a violent death in Australia. Sharon Michelutti is the fourth woman recorded by Destroy the Joint in their Counting Dead Women 2016 project, which reports deaths resulting from violence against women. The count for...

Managing Anger to Stop Domestic Violence

Being accused of domestic violence can be confronting and stressful. Many of those who are guilty genuinely want help to control anger management issues so they can rebuild their relationships, or have healthier ones in the future. Thankfully, there are...
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