Hazing Alive and Well in Australia
Being encouraged to ejaculate into the shampoo bottles of females students, lighting pubic hair on fire, posting photos of the underwear of sexual ‘conquests’, and dangerous binge drinking are just some of the rituals outlined in the 211-page Red Zone...
Bully Cop at it Again
Controversial police officer ‘Raptor 13’ has once again been accused of acting inappropriately by harassing and bullying members of the public, resulting in a petition which calls for a public inquiry into his conduct. The senior constable, whose real name...
Teen Activist Is Facing a Decade Behind Bars
The trial of 17-year-old Ahed Tamimi began on February 13 behind the closed doors of an Israeli military court. The young activist, who’s become an international symbol of the Palestinian struggle, is facing up to ten years behind bars. On December...
Woman Who Stabbed Boyfriend Avoids Prison
By Blake O’Connor An Oxford University student who stabbed her boyfriend with a knife has avoided prison, after the judge found that imprisonment would damage her prospects of a medical career. The perceived leniency of the sentence has led to...
Police Viciously Assault Naked Boy in Byron Bay
Four NSW police offers are facing a police investigation after dramatic video footage has emerged of them beating a naked 16-year old boy in the world-renowned holiday town of Byron Bay. The video shows the boy crying out for help...
12 Reasons to Choose Sydney Criminal Lawyers®
Being prosecuted for a criminal or traffic offence can be a nerve-wracking experience. You may be unfamiliar with the process, unsure of the best way forward and concerned about the outcome. But whether you are charged with a less-serious matter...
Salim Mehajer Accused of Staging Fake Car Crash
31-year old former Auburn deputy mayor Salim Mehajer has been charged with perverting the course of justice and conspiring to commit insurance fraud for allegedly staging a car crash to avoid a court hearing. Assault hearing Mr Mehajer was charged...
NSW Police Officer Found Guilty of Assault and Perjury
A New South Wales police officer who tasered a man three times and then lied about the circumstances in court has been found guilty of both common assault and perjury. The story so far In June 2013, former police sergeant...
Victims of Crime May Be Given Access to Perpetrators’ Super Funds
Federal Minister for Revenue and Financial Services, Kelly O’Dwyer, has announced a review of the laws governing superannuation with a view to allowing victims of crime to access the funds of perpetrators. Ms O’Dwyer noted that the rules regarding the early...
Royal Commission Rejects Punitive Approach to Juvenile Justice
The final report of the Royal Commission into the Protection and Detention of Children in the Northern Territory was tabled in parliament on 17th November 2017. It represents an unequivocal rejection of the Territory’s ‘tough on crime’ approach to juvenile...