Assault Charges

Dozens of NSW Police Facing Serious Criminal Charges

It has been reported that over 50 NSW police officers are facing a range of serious criminal charges, including sexual assault, child rape, domestic assault and perjury. The details, obtained under freedom of information laws, suggest that 32 of NSW...

Beware, Police Are Watching!

Reports that American police officers have been using fake Facebook profiles to track activists, whistle blowers and suspected criminals have raised privacy concerns closer to home. According to Tec.Mic, Police departments across the United States are using false Facebook accounts,...

Senior Officer Suspended for Sexist and Homophobic Posts

New South Wales police officers have been caught red-handed again, after a Sun Herald investigation uncovered a campaign of intimidation and harassment against Newtown MP Jenny Leong. Police personnel at Sydney City, Kings Cross, Bankstown and Cabramatta Local Area Commands,...

Prison Administrators Fail to Prevent Violence

It is often said that people are sent to prison as punishment, not to be punished. But the rising incidence of injury and illness within prisons across Australia has renewed concerns about how our prisons are being administered. This week,...

Sending People to Prison for Minor Offences

In a plan unveiled last week, the Australian Bar Association called on state and territory governments to scrap or amend mandatory sentencing laws for crimes including fine default, minor assaults, driving offences and petty theft. They believe the laws have...

NZ Man Dies Inside Australian Immigration Detention Centre

The recent death of a New Zealand man inside Villawood Detention Centre has raised further concerns about Australia’s treatment of those held inside the privately run facility. Rob Peihopa, 42, was found unconscious by staff at Villawood Detention Centre in...

The Forgotten Third: Men Who Suffer Domestic Violence

By Sonia Hickey What if I told you that a friend turned up on my doorstep last night: bruised, covered in bite marks and scratches, shaking, and soaking wet from a long walk in the rain. A victim of domestic...

Danger: ‘Superpredators’ Are Coming, Again!

As reported in an earlier blog, Victorian Chief Police Commissioner Graham Ashton claims that a rise in that state’s crime is largely attributable to the ‘Grand Theft Auto Generation’ – young criminals who mimic the stylised crimes in violent video...

Stopping Violence Against LGBTI Youth

By Matthew Drogemuller The Victorian Royal Commission Into Family Violence handed down 1900 pages of recommendations on Wednesday, earning praise from many front-line organisations. The Commission, launched 13 months ago and headed by Justice Marcia Neave of the Victorian Supreme...

Transgender Inmates at Greater Risk of Abuse

Transgender inmates detained in US immigration facilities are at high risk of being sexually assaulted, repeatedly strip-searched and held indefinitely in solitary confinement, according to a study released last Wednesday by the advocacy group Human Rights Watch. The 68-page report,...
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