11-year-old Bashed by Prison Guards
Many of our blogs have discussed the use of excessive force by police officers, but there are also several instances of prison guards abusing their position of power- even, it seems, when dealing with vulnerable children in custody. The Brisbane...
AFP Puts Victims’ Lives at Risk
The Australian Federal Police (AFP) is billed as Australia’s primary federal law enforcement agency, responsible for keeping the community safe from harm. With an annual budget of almost a billion dollars and close to 7,000 employees, the Australian taxpayer would...
Hero Cop Down and (Almost) Out
Sadly, not all police officers act with the level of professionalism and integrity that we expect of the force. But while several instances of police misconduct have made the headlines recently, there are also many officers who go above and...
Police Accused of Excessive Force as Arrest Video Goes Viral
The Queensland Police Union (QPU) has defended a police officer who was filmed pushing a mother to the ground during the arrest of her son at their Brisbane home over the weekend. The QPU says the officer acted “entirely appropriately” despite...
Man Faces Court for Allegedly Spreading HIV
The Downing Centre Court has only been open for two weeks since the summer break, but has already seen its fair share of interesting cases. Perhaps one of the most disturbing so far is that of a man accused of...
Police Face Fines for Preventing Public from Filming Them
Almost everyone has a camera phone these days - a handy tool for capturing timeless memories. But the proliferation of camera phones and CCTV cameras also has a valuable law enforcement function - increasing the likelihood of those acting outside...
Police Officer Assaults Cyclist
In the latest scandal to rock the NSW Police Force, a police officer has reportedly been observed pushing a cyclist off a bike on a busy intersection in peak hour traffic, endangering his safety and causing minor injuries. Witnesses report...
Caught on Camera: Police Bash Man Then Charge Him with Assault
Most of us would not bash another person for an obscene hand gesture - but the relatively minor act of ‘flipping the bird’ quickly turned violent for a young Perth man who was enjoying a night out with his girlfriend....
Managing Anger to Stop Domestic Violence
Being accused of domestic violence can be confronting and stressful. Many of those who are guilty genuinely want help to control anger management issues so they can rebuild their relationships, or have healthier ones in the future. Thankfully, there are...
5 Crazy Crimes Committed by Lovers
We’ve all heard horror stories of jilted ex-lovers who seek revenge - some even go so far as to take the law into their own hands. Here we discuss five crazy crimes committed by current and former partners. 1. Woman...