Assault Charges

Police Body Cameras could be used as Evidence of Domestic Violence in Court

The rollout of police body cameras was announced earlier this year. Although costing millions of dollars, the initiative has been greeted optimistically as a positive step towards reducing crime and police misconduct, and quickly resolving disputed versions of events. Police...

Over Policing of Indigenous Australians and the Trifecta of Charges

The Australian Human Rights Commission states that Indigenous Australians are 17.3 times more likely to be arrested than Non-Indigenous Australians. In Western Australia, the Indigenous over-representation rate is four times the national average. Indigenous people are twice as likely as...

Is the NSW One Punch Law Working to Reduce Violence?

The NSW one punch law has recently been put to the test with the first person being charged under the controversial new legislation, which the government says seems to be working in the fight to reduce alcohol-fuelled violence on Sydney...

What Does the Law Say About Air Rage and In-Air Offences?

Air rage is a modern day term that is used to describe angry and unruly behaviour by passengers on commercial flights. Over the last few years, we have seen a number of incidents of air rage and other criminal offences...

Do we have Adequate Safeguards against False Imprisonment in NSW?

Back in 2009, one lawyer managed to score a satisfying victory in court after police officers falsely arrested her. 57-year-old Andrea Turner was on a train and on her way to a bush walk. A police officer doing a routine...

Is crime on the increase? King hit laws and other recent crime trends

How much do you know about state-wide crime? Do you know what the most common type of theft was in the last financial year? Or how many murders occurred last year? Or how many people breached their bail conditions last...

Can You Be Charged for Making Telephone Threats?

Making certain types of threats can be considered a criminal offence. Even if you aren’t face-to-face with the other person when the alleged threats are made, you can still potentially be charged with using phone or email or any other...

How can you represent someone like that?

“How can you represent someone like that?” It’s the question many criminal lawyers dread. As a defence lawyer who deals with people charged with serious crimes, it’s the question that pops up most often. I recently represented a client who...

When can Police Suspend my Licence on the Spot?

Sometimes police can suspend your driver’s licence on the spot if they allege you have committed a serious traffic offence. They can do this immediately after you have been pulled-over, or within 48 hours afterwards. Driving licence suspension notices take...

Do Men Commit More Crimes than Women?

Men have always had a reputation for being more inclined to criminal behaviour than women, especially when it comes to committing violent offences such as assault or murder. The statistics would appear to support this, with only one fifth of...
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