Assault Charges

What is the Penalty for Threatening a Person?

Making a threat towards someone can be a criminal offence under certain circumstances. Depending on the nature of the threat and who it is made to, you can face a number of different penalties for threatening a person, from a...

What To Do If False Claims of Domestic Violence Are Made Against You

False claims of domestic violence are distressing and unfair. Some people use these claims strategically to take revenge or gain an advantage in a child custody battle. Even worse, sometimes it is the abuser who initiates charges against the person...

Do We Need New Technology Laws in NSW?

Cyber bullying and technology-facilitated offences like fraud, identity theft and hacking have been highlighted in the media recently with concerns being raised that there is no specific legislation to address these emerging issues. As technology increases, so does the potential...

DPP v Mathews-Hunter

Although police powers have been increasing in legislation, the judges are still firmly upholding fundamental common law rights in the courtroom. Just ask Mathews-Hunter, an eighteen year old who was recently in front of the NSW Supreme Court, after being...

Unacceptable Risk in Bail Laws: What Does it Mean?

Under the new NSW Bail Act, it is up to the bail authority to determine whether a defendant poses an unacceptable risk to the community if they are released on bail pending their court date. A bail authority can be...

Understanding the Scope of Police Powers of Arrest NSW

Being arrested by the police is a daunting experience for anyone. The balance of the scales is tipped in favour of the police in such situations. You often feel powerless against the process. In particular, the uncertainty of the arrest...

Is Intimidation a Crime? Has the Law Kept Up With the Many Forms of Intimidation?

Intimidate is defined in the Oxford dictionary as to “frighten or overawe (someone), especially in order to make them do what one wants”. However, in this modern age of smartphones and cyber bullying, the act of intimidation can be so...

How do Changing Social Values Affect Criminal Law?

Criminal law is constantly changing and laws are amended, created and repealed on a regular basis. Law reforms often come about due to a number of different factors, including new technology, evolving ideas about justice and what constitutes fair criminal...

Body Cams a Win for the Police and the Public

NSW Police officers are to be equipped with “body cams”, lightweight video cameras that are clipped to officers’ uniforms when they are dealing with the public. This new initiative was announced recently by the NSW Government, and is expected to roll out...

Female Genital Mutilation Bill Passes NSW Parliament

The maximum penalty for performing female genital mutilation has been increased to 21 years’ imprisonment after the passing of a bill through NSW Parliament. Previously, the penalty for performing genital mutilation on females was a maximum of seven years in prison. A...
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