Assault Charges

Issues Facing Female Inmates at Emu Plains Correctional and Other Centres

Female inmates make up 7% of the total prison population in NSW, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The figures also show that the number of female prisoners in NSW has risen by 48% over the past decade....

The Difference Between a Summary Offence and a Minor Indictable Offence in NSW

Legal terminology can be confusing. If you have been arrested and charged with a criminal offence, you may hear a lot of different terms, which you are not familiar with. Criminal offences are categorised into certain groups, generally depending on...

Will a Criminal Record or AVO Affect My Security Licence?

Do you already work in the security industry, or are you considering a career in the field? Whether you are currently employed or looking for work, you will need to have a security licence for most security-related occupations. If you...

Can I Use A Defence of Duress in NSW for Assault Charges?

There are a number of different assault charges, and they vary according to the seriousness of the offence, and the likely penalties you will face if convicted. Some assault charges such as common assault are considered summary offences, and carry...

What is the act of Common Assault?

The offence of common assault falls under section 61 of the Crimes Act. According to the law, common assault includes touching another person without their consent, or making them fear for their immediate physical safety. For a person to be guilty...

What are the criminal fines for assault charges in NSW?

If you have pleaded guilty or been found guilty of an assault offence in New South Wales, there are a number of  penalties you face, including: avoiding a criminal record altogether, a good behaviour bond or a fine. It is important...

Police Assault Young Man at Mardi Gras

By now you will have seen footage of a solidly-built police officer throwing a slightly-built, handcuffed young man to the hard ground and then standing on his body at last Saturday’s Mardi Gras. You may also have seen tv interviews...

Common Defences to Basic Assault Charges

Our video and blog post below talks about Common defences to basic assault charges. If you have been charged with assault, it does not mean you have to plead guilty, or that you are necessarily going to be found guilty if...

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