
The Implicit Racism in the War on Drugs

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Drug prohibition has been a global phenomenon for nearly a hundred years now. The 1925 Geneva Convention imposed international restrictions on the production and use of opium, coca and, as a late addition, cannabis. However, the war on drugs was declared...

The Political Sacrifice of Schapelle Corby

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Schapelle Corby’s parole period is coming to an end. After spending almost a decade behind bars in Indonesia on a conviction of trafficking cannabis - a drug that is now legal in eight US states - Ms Corby will finally be allowed...

We’re Importing Medical Marijuana, While Police Are Raiding Local Producers

The first two commercial batches of legal medicinal cannabis products were imported into Australia earlier this week. The medicines were produced in Canada and are being held by Health House International in WA and the Pharmaceutical Packaging Professionals in Victoria. The imports...

Schapelle Corby Set to Come Home

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It has been reported that 22-year old Adelaide woman Cassandra Sainsbury is facing up to 25 years behind bars after being found with 5.8 kilograms of cocaine in her suitcase in Colombia. The personal trainer from Moana was on a...

Recreational Cannabis: Regulate and Reap the Benefits

One in five US citizens now lives in a state where the use of recreational marijuana is permitted. On November 8 last year, another four US states voted in favour of marijuana legalisation, bringing the total number of states to eight, as...

Woman Faces Prison for Giving Cannabis Oil to Sick People: An Interview with Jenny Hallam

If you ask the South Australian police what they think of Jenny Hallam, they’ll call her a criminal. Ask many others, and they’ll say she’s their angel. Ms Hallam, a marijuana reform activist, is facing up to 10 years in...

Decriminalisation and a Regulated Drug Supply Market are the Key to Success

The Portugal model of drug decriminalisation is acknowledged globally as a resounding success. In 2001, the Portuguese government decriminalised the personal use and possession of all illegal drugs. Since then, rates of HIV infections and overdoses have dramatically decreased. And despite what...

NSW Police Crackdown is Devastating the Nimbin Community

NSW police carried out a series of six raids in Nimbin and Lismore on June 28 last year. A total of eleven men between the ages of 21 and 35 were arrested and charged with supplying marijuana. These men are known...

Decriminalising Medical Cannabis: An Interview with NSW Labor MLC Adam Searle

NSW Opposition leader Luke Foley introduced a game-changing medicinal cannabis bill before parliament on March 9, which has largely gone unnoticed. The legislation calls for the decriminalisation of possession of the medicine, as well as establishing “a lawful supply chain.” “We know that for...

It’s Time to Decriminalise, Regulate and Tax Drugs

The release of the Australia 21 report on drugs caused quite a stir last week. Entitled Can Australia Respond to Drugs More Effectively and Safely?, the report made a number of key recommendations aiming to decriminalise drugs use in this country. What...
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