
What penalties do the courts really hand-down for drug possession charges?

Ever wondered what the penalties are for drug possession ? Not the maximum penalties – but the penalties that are really handed-down by the courts? It might surprise you that most people who are guilty of drug possession receive criminal...

Drug Addiction and Crime Affects People From All Backgrounds

The stereotypical drug addict is usually depicted as being from a low income or disadvantaged background, but drug addiction is far more widespread than that and affects people from all walks of life. Drug addiction also unfortunately often leads to...

Should Cannabis Be Decriminalised for Medical Use?

Cannabis is currently a prohibited drug in all Australian jurisdictions, which has implications for people wanting to use the drug for medical reasons. Although the decriminalisation of cannabis for medical use has been debated on and off over the years,...

Defences to Cultivation of Cannabis Charges

The law relating to cultivating, supplying or possessing prohibited plants such as cannabis in New South Wales is set out in the Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act 1985 (the Act). Cultivation means growing, tending, planting or harvesting of prohibited plants....

What is the Cannabis Cautioning Scheme?

If you have been charged with a drugs offence, the severity of the penalty you face will depend largely on the type and quantity of drug that you were allegedly found in possession of. Possessing cannabis may be treated less...

Caught in Possession of Drugs? What Now?

The last decade has seen a rise in the number of police officers deployed at festivals and events across NSW. The sight of sniffer dogs at live music events is commonplace, and the annual Nimbin Mardi Grass festival, which was...

The Offence of ‘Deemed Drug Supply’ in New South Wales

If you are found in possession of more than a certain quantity of drugs, you can be charged with deemed supply, even if you did not actually supply the drugs to anyone else and had no intention of doing so....

Recent Sydney Drug Sentencing Success Stories

What are the odds that a man caught supplying 1000 ecstasy tablets and 79 grams of ice will soon be seeing the world from behind bars? If you think they are fairly high, the results of his case may surprise...

Can I Avoid a Conviction if I Plead Guilty to a Serious Drug Charge? R v Mauger

We all make bad decisions from time to time, but when it comes to breaking the law, poor judgment could land you in front of a District Court Judge facing potential time behind bars. The defendant in R v Mauger knows this...

What is Drug Supply?

If you are charged with drug supply, the maximum applicable penalty will vary depending on the type and quantity of the drug, and whether your case remains in the Local Court or is finalised in a higher court such as the District...
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