
Assault Rates Drop as Young People Reduce Their Alcohol Consumption

Paul Gregoire and Ugur Nedim The holiday season is upon us once more. It’s that time of year when everything begins to wind down and people come together with their relatives and friends to celebrate. And of course, with alcohol...

Courts Are Becoming Sympathetic to the Cause of Medicinal Cannabis

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It’s estimated that around 100,000 patients are using cannabis medicines across the country. And even though the federal government legalising medicinal cannabis close to three years ago, most of these patients are forced to access their medicine on the black market. Despite...

Facing Prison Time Over Son’s Cannabis Medicine: An Interview With Jamie Blake

Next Monday, Jamie Blake and his partner Stephanie McKay are to stand trial in the Rockhampton Supreme Court over drug charges that could see them behind bars. The reason they’re facing prison is they were trying to help their autistic child....

Cannabis Legalisation in Australia: It’s Only a Matter of Time

The United States led the way in establishing the international system of drug prohibition last century. The intensification of drug law enforcement known as the war on drugs was launched by US president Richard Nixon in 1971. Even in India -...

Not Guilty on All Charges: An Interview With Medicinal Cannabis Crusader Dr Andrew Katelaris

At around noon on Thursday, a jury found renowned medicinal cannabis practitioner Dr Andrew Katelaris not guilty on a number of very serious charges relating to the supply and manufacture of cannabis medicines. Representing himself in court, Dr Katelaris argued...

Decriminalise Drug Possession: An Interview With Former AFP Commissioner Mick Palmer

Calls for reforms to the approach Australian governments take to illicit drugs are growing stronger. The idea that personal drug use and possession should be treated primarily as a health and social issue, and not a criminal offence, is starting...

Removing Criminal Sanctions for Drug Use: An Interview With Australia21’s Dr Alex Wodak

“We call on Australia’s federal, state and territory governments to treat drug use primarily as a health and social issue and to remove criminal sanctions for personal use and possession,” begins think tank Australia21’s recently released fourth report on illicit...

Victorian Liberals Vow to Shut Down Life-Saving Injecting Facility

In what can only be described as a terribly misguided move, Victorian Opposition leader Matthew Guy has announced that if he wins the state election on Saturday, he’ll be shutting down the newly-opened North Richmond Medically Supervised Injecting Room (MSIR) in...

Prohibition Causes the Harm: An Interview With Families and Friends for Drug Law Reform

There’s a rising awareness that the century-old system of drug prohibition is failing. It’s evident in the global moves to legalise cannabis, the internationally-lauded Portuguese drug decriminalisation model and the widespread calls to start treating drug use as a health issue, not...

Judge Recognises that Medicinal Cannabis Producers are Not Criminals

The benefits of cannabis medicine are becoming widely accepted within the Australian community. However, laws around the non-profit cultivation of the plant to help the sick continue to carry the same level of criminality as the laws for those who...
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