
What are Standard Non-Parole Periods in New South Wales?

A ‘standard non-parole parole period’ (SNPP) is a guidepost or reference point for a sentencing judge when he or she is deciding how long a person must spend behind bars (called the ‘non-parole period’) before being eligible to apply for...

Australia’s First Cannabis Medicine: An Interview With Little Green Pharma’s Fleta Solomon

Locally-grown and produced medicinal cannabis products are finally available on the Australian market. Western Australian company Little Green Pharma is the first amongst a number of producers to deliver the long-awaited local product since cannabis medicines were legalised. However, this...

Cannabis Legalisation Is Inevitable: An Interview With ADLaRI’s Ben Mostyn

Global drug prohibition had its beginnings over a century ago. And the intensification of its law enforcement aspect – known as the war on drugs – was launched by Nixon in 1971. In NSW, this prohibitive system is reflected in the...

The Cannabis Climate in Australia: An Interview With SA Cannabis Council’s Matthew Rowland

Attitudes to the cannabis plant are rapidly changing around the globe. Recreational cannabis is now legal in nine US states, while Canada is set to legalise it nationwide. And medicinal cannabis is now readily available in 31 jurisdictions throughout the US. The...

Legalising Personal Cannabis Use: An Interview With ACT Labor MP Michael Pettersson

ACT Labor MLA Michael Pettersson introduced a draft of a private member’s bill into the territory’s Legislative Assembly on 19 September that would effectively legalise the personal use and possession of cannabis. The Drugs of Dependence (Personal Cannabis Use) Amendment Bill...

Dr Katelaris Spent Four Months in Prison for Possessing Massage Oil

Renowned medicinal cannabis practitioner Dr Andrew Katelaris was arrested in April after being pulled over by police on the Central Coast. The doctor was charged with supply of a prohibited drug, as an officer found two small bottles of what...

Arresting Drivers for Using Cold and Flu Tablets Will Not Save Lives

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NSW roads minister Melinda Pavey has announced there will be an expansion of substances that can ‘influence’ drivers for the purpose of laws against driving under the influence (DUI). She has also announced a strategy designed to assess whether individuals...

Cats and Dogs May Soon be Treated with Medicinal Cannabis

An Australian company is undertaking ground breaking research to determine whether medicinal cannabis products could be used to treat medical conditions in family pets. After a successful trial on dogs, CannPal is now expanding its testing to our furry feline...

Indictable Drug Supply Cases Can Now be Finalised in the Local Court

Until recently, cases of drug supply which involved more than the ‘indictable quantity’ but less than the commercial quantity could not be finalised in the NSW Local Court - they were ‘strictly indictable’ which meant they had to be committed to...

Criminal Laws Only Deter When They Are Seen as Just

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Politicians often invoke tough-on-crime rhetoric to win votes - playing to popular perceptions that penalties are too weak and that, when dealing with defendants, magistrates and judges should ‘lock’em up and throw away the key’. There is also a popular...
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