Centrelink Fraud

What is White Collar Crime?

White-collar crime is not a new term. Edwin Sutherland, a North American criminologist, coined the term in 1949 to describe crimes committed by an individual, or groups of individuals, against a company or business. There have been calls for heavier...

12 Reasons to Choose Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

Being prosecuted for a criminal or traffic offence can be a nerve-wracking experience. You may be unfamiliar with the process, unsure of the best way forward and concerned about the outcome. But whether you are charged with a less-serious matter...

Centrelink to Amend its Flawed Debt Recovery Process

When Centrelink tweeted the Lifeline suicide helpline number in December, many began to realise the magnitude of the problems with the agency’s debt recovery initiative. Social media posts painted a concerning picture of an understaffed, under-resourced agency that could not...

Cases That Fall Under the Legal Definition of Fraud in NSW

Fraud offences are on the increase, according to the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR). Figures from July this year show that the crime rate for fraud has been steadily increasing over the previous two years, at a...

Recent Centrelink Fraud Cases

Fraudulently obtaining payments through Centrelink is a Commonwealth offence and can come with serious penalties. Like most other Commonwealth offences, all Centrelink fraud cases in Australia are prosecuted by the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (CDPP). Centrelink fraud can cover...

Can I Change Paying My Centrelink Debt to Community Service?

If you have been overpaid by Centrelink you will have a debt raised against you. Even if you have done nothing wrong, or the overpayment was a result of a genuine mistake on your part, you will still be required...

How do Penalties for White Collar Crime and Social Security Fraud Compare?

White collar crime is a type of fraud which is usually committed against corporations or organisations. Generally, white collar crime is committed by employees of these organisations. Although there are a number of penalties that you can receive if you...

Opal Card Data Accessible by Police Without a Warrant

There’s no doubt that public transport smartcards are convenient for commuters who take public transport regularly, saving them money and time queuing for tickets. But along with the convenience comes a hidden cost, with recent reports revealing that data from...

Will Centrelink Prosecute If I Make a Genuine Mistake?

If you have been overpaid by Centrelink, you could find yourself facing an investigation and possibly criminal charges for Centrlink fraud. The exact nature of the charges and the likely penalty will depend on the circumstances and the amount of...

Common Centrelink Fraud Penalties

If Centrelink has overpaid you as a result of a deliberate attempt to obtain payments you weren’t entitled to, you could find yourself facing fraud charges. Offences against federal government organisations such as Centrelink are treated as Commonwealth offences, and...
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