Commonwealth Offences

Cartel Offences in Australia: The Crime of Anti-Competitive Conduct

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Japanese shipping company Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd - also known as K-Line - was fined $34.5 million over cartel conduct in the Federal Court last month. K-Line admitted to engaging in anti-competitive conduct with other shipping companies between July 2009...

What are the Mental Elements for Criminal Code Act Offences?

There are hundreds of Commonwealth Acts which contain criminal offences, perhaps the most notable of which is the Criminal Code Act 1995 (‘the Act’) - the stated purpose of which is ‘to codify the general principles of criminal responsibility under...

Investigation Into Alleged War Crimes by Australian Soldiers Commences

The recent AFP raids were conducted as a result of a complaint by the Department of Defence about the leaking of documents which contain harrowing accounts of alleged war crimes perpetrated against civilians by Australian soldiers in Afghanistan. The former...

Desperate and Hungry: Struggling to Survive on Newstart

In a raw series produced by the Guardian Newspaper earlier this year called “On the Breadline,” a group of Australians opened up, telling their own personal stories of what it’s like to be struggling to make ends meet. What most...

Tax Office Attacks Client Legal Privilege

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During his speech at the Law Society’s 2016 Opening of Term Dinner, NSW Chief Justice Tom Bathurst made clear he had identified 397 state laws that encroach upon three fundamental legal protections alone – the presumption of innocence, the right...

What are the Penalties for Tax Fraud in Australia?

A sister and brother have been ordered to pay a total of more than $2.3 million in taxes, administrative costs and interest after a court found that ‘thou shall not pay tax’ is not only absent from the Bible, but...

Banking Executives Expected to Face Criminal Charges

Australia may soon join Iceland, the only other country in the world to gaol top banking executives for misconduct. In delivering a scathing final report of the findings of the Royal Commission’s hearings into the finance industry, Commissioner Kenneth Hayne...

NSW Police Officer Pleads Guilty to Sharing Arrested Woman’s Intimate Images

A former NSW police officer will be sentenced next month after admitting that he illegally shared the intimate images of a woman he arrested. The incident 29-year old Steven Albee was a senior constable with the NSW Police Force stationed...

Police Officer Charged With Hacking After Leaking Address of Victim

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The Queensland Police officer who was found to have unlawfully accessed a police database and leaked a domestic violence victim’s details to his friend, the woman’s abusive former partner, has been charged with multiple criminal offences. An internal police investigation...

Sydney Police Officer Pleads Guilty to “Vile, Cowardly and Intolerable” Threats

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Senior Constable Sean Daniel Murphy, a 57-year-old officer with 30 years in the NSW Police Force and two awards for bravery to his name, has pleaded guilty to ‘using a carriage service to menace, harass or offend’ after calling federal...
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