Torture is a Crime, but it’s Still Widely Practised
The Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in December 1984. Since it came into force in June 1987, it’s prohibited torture under international law. Article 1...
Sydney Police Officer Accused of ‘Vile, Cowardly and Intolerable’ Conduct
A Sydney police officer has been charged under the Criminal Code Act 1995 after allegedly threatening a public official in a phone call to Federal Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young. Ms Hanson-Young says the threats made by the officer were about...
Commonwealth to Strengthen Laws Against Online Bullying
Commonwealth cyberbullying legislation is currently contained in a number of sections of the Criminal Code Act 1995. Section 474.17 of that Act, for example, makes it an offence punishable by up to three years’ imprisonment to use a carriage service...
New Zealand Customs Can Now Require Your Passwords
New Zealand is reported to have become the first country in the world to pass laws requiring travellers to reveal their personal passwords to electronic devices such as phones and computers at the border, and Australia is likely follow in...
What is White Collar Crime?
White-collar crime is not a new term. Edwin Sutherland, a North American criminologist, coined the term in 1949 to describe crimes committed by an individual, or groups of individuals, against a company or business. There have been calls for heavier...
Food Contamination Laws to be Strengthened
The federal government is proposing to increase the maximum prison term for anyone found guilty of contaminating food from 10 to 15 years. It is also seeking to broaden the scope of existing laws, in order to make it easier...
Government to Give Itself Greater Power to Seize the Assets of Citizens
A Senate committee has just given the Turnbull government the green light to nationalise a scheme that allows government to seize citizens’ assets unless their legitimate origins can be explained, even if the owner of the wealth hasn’t been charged...
Crimes Against Humanity: An Interview with Human Rights Lawyer Julian Burnside
The Norwegian freighter MV Tampa entered Australian waters on 29 August 2001, carrying 433 asylum seekers who’d been stranded on a fishing boat in the Indian Ocean. The vessel crossed the maritime boundary close to Christmas Island, despite having been refused...
Australia Accused of War Crimes in Afghanistan
Australian Defence Minister, Marise Payne, has defended Australian soldiers after internal reports suggest they have engaged in the “unsanctioned and illegal application of violence” in Afghanistan. SASR soldiers accused of heinous crimes Disturbing reports have surfaced from inside the Australian...
CBA Fined $700m, while ANZ to Face Criminal Charges for Alleged Cartel Conduct
It was reported this morning that the Commonwealth Bank has agreed to pay a $700 million fine after admitting to systemic breaches of anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing laws. The proposed settlement comes after an investigation by the federal government’s...