What are the Penalties of Using a Fake ID?
The Rise of Fake ID Usage The use of fake IDs is becoming an increasingly significant issue, fueled by advancements in technology. Underground markets now produce highly realistic counterfeit IDs and selling them for as little as $60. New findings...
How do Penalties for White Collar Crime and Social Security Fraud Compare?
White collar crime is a type of fraud which is usually committed against corporations or organisations. Generally, white collar crime is committed by employees of these organisations. Although there are a number of penalties that you can receive if you...
What are the Penalties for Tax Evasion?
With the fast pace of modern life, who has time for tax returns? Even Paul Keating claimed he was just too busy when he was caught out failing to fill in a tax return during his time as Federal Treasurer....
What are Unlawful Deportations as a War Crime?
There are a number of criminal activities and offences which are recognised internationally as well as in Australia. Many of these are crimes under both Commonwealth law and international laws due to their severity, or through international agreements that different...
What is the Penalty for Threatening a Person?
Making a threat towards someone can be a criminal offence under certain circumstances. Depending on the nature of the threat and who it is made to, you can face a number of different penalties for threatening a person, from a...
Do We Need New Technology Laws in NSW?
Cyber bullying and technology-facilitated offences like fraud, identity theft and hacking have been highlighted in the media recently with concerns being raised that there is no specific legislation to address these emerging issues. As technology increases, so does the potential...
Opal Card Data Accessible by Police Without a Warrant
There’s no doubt that public transport smartcards are convenient for commuters who take public transport regularly, saving them money and time queuing for tickets. But along with the convenience comes a hidden cost, with recent reports revealing that data from...
Why is Misuse of Public Office so Serious?
A notable case of misuse of public office is one that recently hit the news. Two men were recently caught out in an illegal activity involving the misuse of a public office. One of the men worked at the Australian...
What Are The Penalties for Making Hoax Calls To Police?
Making prank emergency calls to police is a criminal offence. Although it may seem like a harmless prank, making a hoax call can lead to heavy fines and a prison sentence of up to three years. Fake calls to police...
Section 234AA: What Happens If You Are Caught In A Restricted Area At The Airport?
Failing to answer police questions could get you into a lot of trouble. On the other hand, what are your rights when it comes to dealing with police? Sometimes the law is complicated and you are walking a fine line...