Commonwealth Offences

Why a Proceeds of Crime Barrister is a Wise Idea

If you have been convicted of a serious offence, such as drug trafficking, or fraud, there is the very real prospect that the prosecution will apply to the court for a confiscation order for the proceeds of your crime. Under...

The $7m Insider Trading Sting: Should Police Have Stopped It?

The Australia Federal Police (AFP) recently arrested a banker from Melbourne in an insider trading sting that resulted in $7 million in assets being seized. So what is insider trading? Exactly what happened in this case? And should authorities have intervened earlier...

Will Centrelink Prosecute If I Make a Genuine Mistake?

If you have been overpaid by Centrelink, you could find yourself facing an investigation and possibly criminal charges for Centrlink fraud. The exact nature of the charges and the likely penalty will depend on the circumstances and the amount of...

How Much Weight is the Evidence of Child Witnesses Given in Court?

Evidence of children testifying in courts has been a topic where the law has changed substantially over time - the ongoing debate about how much weight (if any) can be placed on the evidence of children is unsettled by public...

Common Centrelink Fraud Penalties

If Centrelink has overpaid you as a result of a deliberate attempt to obtain payments you weren’t entitled to, you could find yourself facing fraud charges. Offences against federal government organisations such as Centrelink are treated as Commonwealth offences, and...

What Does the Law say About Filming Someone Without Their Consent?

The law regarding filming or videoing another individual is complex. Whether consent is required to film another person depends on who is filming, what is being filmed, where it is being filmed, and for what purpose. There are various state...

Will I Face Criminal Charges if I Have an Overpayment from Centrelink?

If you have received an overpayment from Centrelink, or any other government organisation, you may be charged with a criminal offence, depending on the circumstances. Offences involving Centrelink Fraud are classified as Commonwealth Offences, which means that they are dealt...

What Does Criminal Law Say About Threatening a Person?

Threatening another person is not always a criminal offence. Whether or not you will be found guilty under criminal law for threatening a person depends on the circumstances involved, and the nature of your relationship with the other individual concerned....

What Are the Penalties for Using a Forged Document?

Fraud has long been recognised as a criminal offence, and according to figures from the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research’s latest quarterly crime report, released in December, fraud has increased by 20.7 per cent over the past two...

What Should I do if I’m facing A Centrelink Overpayment Prosecution?

Over payment of Centrelink benefits can lead to serious criminal charges, particularly if it is believed that you deliberately withheld information or misled Centrelink for the purposes of receiving benefits that you weren’t entitled to. The process for Centrelink overpayment...
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