Drug Supply

Drugs and the white collar sector

A record number of 86,918 drug seizures were made in Australia according to the latest Illicit Drug Data Report by the Australian Crime Commission. But not all of these will make front page headlines or prime time news. The population...

Can I make a request for criminal charges to be dropped?

Are you facing criminal or traffic charges? You may not be aware that you have the right to apply for your charges to be changed, reduced in number or dropped altogether by making written ‘representations’ to the Local Area Commander...

Drug and Alcohol Programs for Inmates at Cessnock Jail

Drug and alcohol problems can be a significant contributor to levels of offending, and many jails in NSW recognise this and provide support and rehabilitation programs for inmates who suffer from addictions. If you know someone who has a substance...

Should Cannabis Be Decriminalised for Medical Use?

Cannabis is currently a prohibited drug in all Australian jurisdictions, which has implications for people wanting to use the drug for medical reasons. Although the decriminalisation of cannabis for medical use has been debated on and off over the years,...

Unacceptable Risk in Bail Laws: What Does it Mean?

Under the new NSW Bail Act, it is up to the bail authority to determine whether a defendant poses an unacceptable risk to the community if they are released on bail pending their court date. A bail authority can be...

Should Entrapment be a Defence in Australia?

Entrapment is when a police officer induces a person to commit a crime they wouldn’t have otherwise committed, or provides them with an opportunity to commit a crime that they would not ordinarily have had. Entrapment can be used as...

Caught in Possession of Drugs? What Now?

The last decade has seen a rise in the number of police officers deployed at festivals and events across NSW. The sight of sniffer dogs at live music events is commonplace, and the annual Nimbin Mardi Grass festival, which was...

Recent Sydney Drug Sentencing Success Stories

What are the odds that a man caught supplying 1000 ecstasy tablets and 79 grams of ice will soon be seeing the world from behind bars? If you think they are fairly high, the results of his case may surprise...

Can I Avoid a Conviction if I Plead Guilty to a Serious Drug Charge? R v Mauger

We all make bad decisions from time to time, but when it comes to breaking the law, poor judgment could land you in front of a District Court Judge facing potential time behind bars. The defendant in R v Mauger knows this...

What is Drug Supply?

If you are charged with drug supply, the maximum applicable penalty will vary depending on the type and quantity of the drug, and whether your case remains in the Local Court or is finalised in a higher court such as the District...
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