Your Guide To New South Wales MDMA (‘Ecstacy’) Laws
The substance known scientifically as 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine is commonly known as MDMA or ‘ecstasy’. The drug has been around for decades, and remains a popular party drug, particularly amongst young adults. According to the latest national statistics 12.5% of Australians have...
NSW Premier Says No to Drug Decriminalisation, as the ACT Embarks on Bold Health Approach
Finally, this week, drug decriminalisation came to Australian shores. Laws passed by a Labor Greens government in the ACT came into effect on Monday. This will mean less drug-related deaths, less normally law-abiding citizens arrested, and more time for police...
Your Guide to New South Wales Methamphetamine (“Ice”) Laws
Crystal methamphetamine (“meth” or “ice) remains a popular recreational drug in Australia amongst a small but persistent group of users. According to the latest national statistics just under 6% of Australians have used methamphetamine in their lifetime and 1.3% have...
Your Guide to New South Wales Heroin Laws
The use of heroin in Australia peaked in the late 1980s and early 1990s, however there are small but persistent group of users, often from marginalised backgrounds. According to the latest national statistics just over 1% of Australians have used...
Your Guide to New South Wales Cocaine Laws
Cocaine use is on the rise in Australia with the latest national statistics finding 11% of Australians have used cocaine in their lifetime and 4% have used in the past 12 months. Here’s a summary of the laws, penalties and...
Shoebridge’s National Legalise Cannabis Bill Covers All Grassroots Wants and Concerns
After Australia legalised medicinal cannabis nationwide in October 2016, people who use the plant recreationally have been hesitant of political initiatives to legalise it, even though the lawful use of the fairly innocuous herb is the outcome they desire. And that’s with...
Faehrmann Calls for Regulated Legal Cocaine in NSW, in the Wake of a Spate of Shootings
Released in June, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime World Drug Report 2023 outlines that the Australian use of the illegal drug cocaine is per capita the highest in the world, whilst Sydney has long been known as this nation’s capital of...
Are Bongs Legal In New South Wales?
Whilst most people are aware the possession of cannabis is a criminal offence in New South Wales, it is perhaps less known that possessing equipment for the administration of a prohibited drug (which can include a bong), as well as selling,...
Minns Needs to End the NSW War on People Who Use Drugs, as Have the ACT Labor-Greens
The onset of ongoing extreme weather events locally, the shutdown of the entire community due to the outbreak of a deadly virus, rent and mortgage prices skyrocketing and a general cost-of-living crisis have not served to dampen the fervour of...
NSW Should Regulate Adult Cannabis Use Immediately, Then Enact a Legalised Market
Cannabis is being legalised the world over. And the reports coming out of those jurisdictions where the plant has been legalised in one form or another speak of nothing but positive results, whether that be in terms of public wellbeing,...