Can I Get A Shotgun Licence With Previous Convictions?
If you want to own or use a shotgun in NSW you will need to apply for a firearms licence. The firearms licensing laws in NSW are fairly stringent, and if you want to apply for a licence you will...
Is Crime on the Increase?
If you follow the news, it would appear that crime is an ever-increasing problem, particularly in cities, but how true is this? Is crime really increasing, or could it actually be on a downward trend? The increased coverage of crime...
Police Use of Tasers in the Spotlight
Tasers are weapons that are given to police officers for use only in certain situations. According to the NSW police operating procedures, officers are only meant to use Tasers in situations where they are in immediate danger, or are under...
Is it legal to carry a knife?
There appears to be some confusion about whether a person is allowed to carry a knife in a public place in NSW. Various online forums discuss the issue and reach different conclusions about the circumstances in which a person is...
Mandatory Prison Sentences for Gun Crimes Likely: Report
The criminal activities of gangs and other organised crime groups have been in the media spotlight recently, and now it appears that there is the possibility of mandatory prison sentences for members found in possession of firearms. Due to a...
Defending an AVO
Have you recently been served with an AVO? AVOs are surprisingly common and they can be taken out for a variety of reasons. If you are facing an AVO it is a good idea to think carefully before accepting it...
What Types of Cases Appear at Parramatta District Court?
The NSW court system is divided into three different levels of court. The local court deals with less serious matters. Local court hearings are presided over by a magistrate rather than a judge and jury. The district court is where...
Do I Need a Licence for Collecting Firearms in NSW?
If you want to own a firearm in NSW you need to obtain a firearms licence. The licence requirements vary depending on the type of firearm and your reasons for wanting to own it. If you are collecting firearms in...
Can I Carry Dog Mace in Australia?
Dog spray, sometimes known as dog mace, is sold as a deterrent against dog attacks. The spray is contained in canisters, and when released acts as an irritant to dogs. Dog mace works in the event of a dog attack...
Penalties for Being Caught Trespassing with a Speargun in Sydney
Trespassing with a speargun or other firearm is an offence under Section 93H(1) of the Crimes Act. In order to be found guilty of this offence, there are a number of factors that need to be in place. This offence...