Professional Contract Shooters and Firearms Licences
There are a number of stringent rules surrounding who is allowed a licence to possess a firearm in NSW. One of the requirements of owning a firearm is having a genuine reason to possess a weapon. Other factors that will...
Can You Be Arrested For Using Mace Spray in Australia?
Can You Be Arrested For Using Mace Spray in Australia? Can You Be Arrested For Using Mace Spray in Australia? Self-defence sprays such as mace or pepper spray can cause incapacitation if they are sprayed in a person’s face. Some...
What Are The Most Serious Commonwealth Postal Offences?
Committing an offence against the postal service or an Australia Post employee is considered to be a Commonwealth offence. Commonwealth postal offences cover a range of illegal activities, from tampering with someone else’s mail to sending a bomb by post....
On What Grounds Can I Be Refused A NSW Firearms Licence?
In order to be able to possess and use a firearm in NSW, you will be required to have a NSW firearms licence. The NSW Police Force undertakes the issuing and policing of firearms licences and permits, and there is...
Will a Criminal Record or AVO Affect My Security Licence?
Do you already work in the security industry, or are you considering a career in the field? Whether you are currently employed or looking for work, you will need to have a security licence for most security-related occupations. If you...
Defending Yourself against a Charge of Being Armed with Intent in NSW
Have you been charged with being armed with intent in NSW? This offence comes under section 114 of the Crimes Act, and can attract severe penalties. If police have caught you with a weapon and believe you had the intention...