Firearms Offences

12 Reasons to Choose Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

Being prosecuted for a criminal or traffic offence can be a nerve-wracking experience. You may be unfamiliar with the process, unsure of the best way forward and concerned about the outcome. But whether you are charged with a less-serious matter...

Recent Report Triggers Debate About Gun Control Laws

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Stephen Paddock killed 58 people and injured close to 500, when he opened fire on a crowd at a country music festival in Las Vegas on October 1. The gunman had a huge arsenal of high-power firearms in his hotel room,...

Firearm Amnesty: Over 13,000 Weapons Surrendered Across NSW

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Australians have surrendered more than 400 firearms a day since July, as part of the latest national gun amnesty. The federal government implemented the scheme this year, promising tough penalties for anyone who fails to surrender illegal firearms. Police say...

Curbing Homelessness: An Interview with Senator Lee Rhiannon

On June 24, City of Sydney rangers moved in to shut down Sydney’s 24-7 Street Kitchen and Safe Space, which had been operating in the CBD since December. The operation had been providing free meals for the city’s needy, and...

Possession or Use of a Firearm: What Do Courts Look at During Sentencing?

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Many of the offences relating to the possession or use of firearms in New South Wales are contained in the Firearms Act 1996 (NSW) (‘the Act’). The Act was introduced as part of a national campaign to strengthen gun control,...

NSW Crimes Rates are the Lowest in 40 Years

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Crime rates across NSW have dropped to their lowest in 40 years. The latest annual report by the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) has found that most major categories of crime have fallen or remained steady over...

Eight Rounds in Eight Seconds: the Adler Is Coming to Australia

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The Australian federal, state and territory governments have amended the National Firearms Agreement (NFA), but haven’t announced it to the public. Instead they recently posted the 2017 agreement on the attorney-general’s website. Neither George Brandis nor Australian justice minister Michael Keenan have issued...

Horrifying Footage of Axe Attack Goes Viral

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CCTV footage of a blonde woman entering a convenience store and attacking two people with an axe has gone viral on social media. The horrifying footage shows the woman strolling into the 7-Eleven store in Enmore in Sydney’s inner-west wielding...

Off-duty police officer allegedly brandishes gun whilst drunk

Police officers are permitted to use their powers around the clock, whether or not they are on-duty. This means they can exercise powers of arrest and search, give move-on directions and even issue fines whilst they are off-duty. And while...

The Santa Claus Slayer: You Better Watch Out!

At 11:30pm on Christmas Eve, 2008, a man dressed as Santa Claus knocked on the door of a house in Covina: a small town 35 kilometres east of Los Angeles. An 8-year-old girl answered the door to find Santa holding...
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