Stealing / Larceny Offences

What Are The Penalties For Tampering With Mail in Australia?

Tampering with mail in Australia is a Commonwealth offence. The offence of tampering with mail includes interfering with mail receptacles, stealing mail before delivery and opening mail that you are not authorised to open, as well as a number of...

A Guide to The Most Common Larceny Defences

Larceny is generally defined as the unlawful taking away of someone else’s possessions. Also known as theft or stealing, larceny comes with a number of different penalties, depending on the value of the goods that were stolen and whether there...

The Difference Between a Summary Offence and a Minor Indictable Offence in NSW

Legal terminology can be confusing. If you have been arrested and charged with a criminal offence, you may hear a lot of different terms, which you are not familiar with. Criminal offences are categorised into certain groups, generally depending on...

A guide to criminal law – reckless dishonesty and fraud charges

Fraud is broadly defined as a type of theft or larceny where someone takes money or property for their own gain, through deceptive or dishonest means. According to section 192E of the Crimes Act, a person who ‘by deception, dishonestly...

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