Stealing / Larceny Offences

Bizarre Ways of Getting Caught Committing Crimes

It’s usually the prosecution’s job to dig up evidence against the defendant - but every so often, a set of unusual circumstances can help make the prosecutor’s job a lot easier. Here are a few strange ways that defendants have...

Naughty or Nice? Top 5 Crimes in Santa Suits

He’s supposed to know when you’ve been naughty or nice - but even jolly old Saint Nick can find himself on the wrong side of the law from time to time. From armed robberies to handing out drugs - and...

Police Target Shoplifters This Christmas Season

As Christmas approaches, we are serenaded by Christmas carols, treated to longer store opening hours and enticed by all kinds of shopping offers to make the most of the festive season. The large crowds and busy sales assistants can create...

Selfie with Stolen Echidna Gets Men into Strife

In August of this year, Tyson Paul Bother and a friend broke into Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary in the Gold Coast and took an echidna named ‘Piggie’ after a few too many drinks. According to Mr Bother, they intended to steal...

Australia’s Top 5 Dumbest Criminals

Some people come up with ingenious ways to get away with crimes - but not all offenders are the sharpest tools in the shed. Here we take a look at 5 of Australia’s dumbest offenders. 1. Drug Dealer’s Stupid Selfie...

David vs Goliath: Man Accused of Shoplifting Takes on Police and Myer

Being wrongly accused of shoplifting can be frustrating and insulting – but things can be taken to a whole new level when the shop persists on unfairly targeting you. Fortunately, courts look unfavourably on bullying - as Mr Soo discovered...

Three Crimes that Aren’t Usually Enforced

In NSW, there are thousands upon thousands of criminal offences scattered throughout many different pieces of legislation; from murder and sexual assault, down to the many hundreds of driving offences contained in our web of traffic legislation. But not all...

‘How to Steal Guide’ – Free Speech or Illegally Inciting Crime?

The fascinating ‘Rabelais case’ explores the limitations on freedom of speech within our democratic society - raising the interesting question of whether the ‘freedom’ extends to publishing tips on engaging in illegal activity. The Story In 1995, a newspaper by...

Police tweet about woman being fined for stealing tampons

An Aboriginal woman in Western Australia was fined $500 for stealing a box of tampons worth $6.75. The woman took the tampons from a service station, and was caught on camera. She told police that she was stealing the tampons...

Crazy Criminal Costumes

On Monday, 7 September 2015, a man wearing a mutant ninja turtle mask was captured on CCTV footage (see above) stealing a BMW motorcycle from a Melbourne car dealership. The character he chose was Leonardo, the one with the blue...
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