Offensive Language / Conduct

Insulting People Due to Race: Should it be Legal?

Just months after ethnic minorities expressed relief about the government’s abandonment of plans to repeal section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act, Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull has now announced that he would support a ‘softer’ proposal that would no longer...

Cowards Attack Muslim Women

No person should be assaulted while travelling to and from work on public transport, let alone a woman assaulted by a man. But for one Muslim woman, Hina, a routine train journey home from work quickly became a nightmare. Hina...

18C is here to Stay

Tony Abbott recently announced that the proposed repeal of 18C will no longer be going ahead. His plan had met with community backlash, with protesters hitting the streets to show their opposition. This provision of the Racial Discrimination Act makes...

What To Do If You Have Been Charged With Obscene Exposure

One streaker last year earned himself a ban for life at the ANZ stadium when he entered the field and ran almost the full length just two minutes before full time. Wati Holmwood was charged with wilful and indecent exposure...

Four Things You Probably Don’t Know Are Against the Law

If you’re an ordinary law-abiding citizen, chances are the possibility of committing a criminal offence never crosses your mind. After all, you know when you’re breaking the law, right? Well, if you’ve ever enjoyed playing in a fountain on a...

When is it in the Public Interest to Lay Criminal Charges?

The recent public fistfight between casino billionaire James Packer and media heavyweight David Gyngell raises an interesting issue of whether police should still investigate an incident and lay charges if the people involved don’t want to take the matter further....

Is it a crime to threaten or intimidate someone?

Certain threats and acts of intimidation are considered to be serious criminal offences. For each of those offences, the prosecution must prove certain matters beyond reasonable doubt. Here’s what you need to know. The offence of staking or intimidation in...

Is it Legal to Film Police in NSW?

In recent years the combination of smartphones with cameras and social media has meant that anyone can photograph or video anything and everything and post it online in a matter of moments. Nobody, from strangers on the street to friends...

Our Recent NSW Criminal Court Results – Non Conviction Orders

A criminal conviction can have a serious impact on your future, but with the right legal help it can be possible to avoid a conviction, even for relatively serious cases. A Section 10 order (now section 10 dismissal or conditional release...

Offensive Language and Obscene Conduct are NSW Crimes

Are you facing a charge of obscene exposure or offensive conduct? These offences are surprisingly common, and although they are generally not considered severe, you can still end up with a criminal record and a fine, or in some cases...
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