Criminal Law

The Fifty First Gadigal-Sydney Free Palestine-Free Lebanon Rally in Photos

A massive crowd turned out before Sydney Town Hall on Gadigal land on Sunday 29 September for the 51st week of the Free Palestine rally, which means Israel has continued the mass slaughter and starvation of the Palestinians of Gaza...

Prohibition is Failing to Reduce the Social, Economic and Health Risks of Illicit Drugs

Federal law enforcement agencies are boasting of two “major drug seizures” during a 48 hour “blitz” at Sydney Airport from 21 to 23 September 2024. But drug reform experts assert that such “victories” are merely a pin prick to the...

Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 23 to 29 September 2024

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles: The Futile War on Drugs Continues to Fuel Violent Crime and Endanger the Public Police are claiming that recent drugs raids have dismantled an organised...

Harsher Domestic Violence and AVO Laws Enacted in New South Wales

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Domestic violence offences continue to be prevalent across Australia, despite a range of initiatives aimed at effecting cultural change and supporting those affected, as well as recently passed laws which make it more difficult for those accused of domestic or...

Labor Must Stop Trade with Israel, Declares Senator Payman Ahead of the IPAN Conference

Helplessly bearing witness to the 12-month-long wholesale slaughter in Gaza has taken its toll on the Australian constituency, especially those who have relatives trapped at the site of the genocide, and this is only being compounded by the actions of...

The Stage Is Set to Pass a Human Rights Act and the Benefits Are Only Mounting

The Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights recommended the Australian government pass a Human Rights Act in May this year, as part of its inquiry into the nation’s human rights framework, which means the stage is now set for federal...

If the RoboDebt Internal Whistleblower Had Gone Public, She’d Likely Be Criminally Prosecuted

Conducted in relation to referrals made by the Royal Commission into Robodebt, the Australia Public Service taskforce inquiry report into the failed automated debt recovery scheme targeting social security recipients was released last Friday, and it outlined that 12 former...

Australian Government Proposes to Further Restrict Internet Freedoms

Independent public policy journal Pearls and Irritations has been running brief articles of late, entitled A Five Minute Scroll on X, which feature a number of posts from the popular social media platform over the 24 hours prior that serve...

Sleepwalking into War with China: Annette Brownlie on the 2024 IPAN Conference

Like AUKUS, the Quad is the other strategic partnership between nations in the Indo Pacific region that commenced playing a significant role in this nation’s foreign policy outlook in 2021. And the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue comprises of Australia, India, Japan...

Consumer Watchdog Takes Action Against Supermarket Giants for False or Misleading Claims

Supermarket giants Coles and Woolworths control 67% of the Australian retail grocery market – the highest percentage of any developed nation - giving them the power to unfairly exploit producers and set unreasonably high prices for consumers. One of the...
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