Criminal Law

Neo-Nazis Are Holding Dinner Forums in Melbourne, After a Year of Far-Right Actions

Neo-Nazis gathered at Urban Street restaurant in the Naarm-Melbourne suburb of McKinnon on Saturday 14 September 2024 to discuss “advocating for the rights of people of European descent” and that when it comes to “enemies”, theirs are Islam, the Han...

Senate Motion Requires Attorney General to Report on Deaths in Custody

Senator Lidia Thorpe successfully passed a motion last Thursday requiring the Australian attorney general to report on deaths in custody in a quarterly manner, with the aim of coming to a more precise understanding of these deaths that are occurring...

The Laws, Defences and Penalties for Failing to Lodge a Tax Return in Australia

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A Queensland lawyer who charged with five tax offences involving 105 breaches of taxation legislation has been suspended from practising law until 27 February 2026. The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal published a judgment on 18 September 2024 which found...

Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 16 to 22 September 2024

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles: ‘Sexsomnia’ and the Legal Defence of Automatism in New South Wales A man has been acquitted of sexually assaulting three boys after the prosecution failed...

The Futile War on Drugs Continues to Fuel Violent Crime and Endanger the Public

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New South Wales police are claiming that recent raids on 20 homes across Sydney in which ‘underworld figures’ are believed to reside has effectively dismantled an alleged organised crime network labelled as ‘The Commission’. However, there are fears the raids...

The Offence of Aggravated Sexual Intercourse in Company in New South Wales

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Three men who were found guilty of sexually assaulting three women during a Bucks weekend in Newcastle are awaiting their penalties after sentencing submissions were made before the New South Wales District Court. The men - 30-year olds Andrew David...

Senate Calls on Australian Government to Intervene in Child Prisons

UTS Jumbunna Institute senior researcher Paddy Gibson outlined in Solidarity recently that the incarceration of First Nations people has increased under the Albanese government, with 12,556 Indigenous people in Australian prisons over the first quarter of 2022, compared with 15,070...

NSW Government’s Drug Diversion Scheme is an Abject Failure

The Early Drug Diversion Initiative that was quietly implemented by the Minns government early this year, has again been found to be an abject failure, and no one who’s been paying attention to the drug law reform debate in NSW...

Israel’s Terrorism Attack on Lebanon Sets Precedent for Future Commercial Device Attacks

At around 3.30 pm on Tuesday in Lebanon, pagers belonging to Hezbollah-affiliated individuals peeped as a message arrived that served to garner attention and explode the devices that had been tampered with prior to purchase, so that they acted as...

A Rogue and Armed VicPol Goes Ballistic on Peace Protesters: Interview With XR’s Violet and Brad

A week on from the Disrupt Land Forces protests that happened in Naarm-Melbourne on 11 September, the Victoria police response to the thousands of peace activists who turned up to demonstrate against a weapons trading show continues to stun the...
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