Criminal Law

Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 10 to 16 June 2024

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles: The Law, Defences, and Penalties for Possessing a Gel Blaster in Australia A teen was recently charged with unauthorised possession of a firearm for carrying...

Jarryd Hayne’s Successful Appeal: The Reasons for the Result

Former NRL star Jarryd Hayne was released from custody this week after the highest criminal court in the state, the New South Wales Court of Criminal Appeal (NSWCCA) quashed his conviction for sexual assault after finding a miscarriage of justice...

Calling Australia Racist Is Forbidden, Yet Racialised Politicking Is Its Mainstay

“Laura Tingle is one of Australia’s most experienced, knowledgeable and accomplished journalists,” said ABC director Justin Stevens, as he politely publicly reprimanded her on 29 May for making personal comments at a forum, which he claims failed to meet ABC...

Legalising and Regulating Cocaine Would Be a Sensible Lifesaving Reform

Cocaine Inc, a new podcast series based on a joint investigation by The Times and News Corp, which covers the trade in illegal cocaine across six different countries that, as the narrator explains, is “an industry where the profits are...

The NSW Law Enforcement Conduct Commission: A Toothless Police Watchdog

Despite long-term calls to reform a system that continues to position the NSW Police Force as the chief investigator of NSW police critical incidents, which are those that involve officers causing death or serious harm, the state law enforcement body...

Thorpe Calls for Human Rights Act, With Inclusion of Self-Determining Indigenous Rights

Labor has reopened the debate around a Human Rights Act. Australia is the only liberal democracy without rights protections enshrined in federal law. And many locals remain unaware of this, despite it being an open secret over the entire history...

The Drug Offenders Program: Shane Prince SC and Jim Finnane on Early Intervention 

The hardline approach taken to psychoactive drugs has pushed their use underground, which causes barriers to seeking help for those who develop problematic use, as they’re admitting to a crime, while the funding of an ever-increasing habit can also become...

A Nasty Little Labor-led Nation Is Ramping Up Deportations, or Is It?  

As Andrew Giles last week announced that he’s ramping up the deportation of noncitizens, it was clear he’s starting to look a little jaundiced like most MPs who hold the role of immigration minister tend to after a period in...

Labor Ministers Grizzle Over Spray Painted Offices, as Sea of Palestinian Blood Is Spilt

Mindless acts of vandalism have always been frowned on in the community. The destruction of private or public property for a quick thrill can cause untold financial and psychological harm to the often randomly resulting victim/s of such crimes, while...

The Law, Defences, and Penalties for Possessing a Gel Blaster in Australia

A Newcastle teenager has been charged with a firearms offence for carrying what many mistakenly believe is not - or at least should not be considered – a firearm at all: a gel blaster. The incident At around 2:30am on...
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