Criminal Law

Sydney’s 22nd Mass Palestinian Rally Foretells of a Coming Political Reckoning: In Photos

Sydney’s pro-Palestinians turned out on Gadigal land for the 22nd week in a row, which is a disgustingly long time for the mass slaughter in Gaza - a catastrophe that’s now fast approaching famine - but it’s also an impressively...

Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 4 to 10 March 2024

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles: Section 25A(2) of Crimes Act 1900- Assault Whilst Intoxicated Causing Death Watch our video on section 25A(2) of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) : Assault...

Prosecuting Australian Genocide: A Chat With Uncle Robbie Thorpe and Barrister Len Lindon

Currently, litigation that charges King Charles Windsor III with the crimes of genocide and ecocide is doing the rounds of the Victorian court system. Having been launched by Gunnai Mara elder Uncle Robbie Thorpe, the case was lodged in October...

Climate Activists Sentenced to Imprisonment Over Non-Violent Protest

Extinction Rebellion activists Violet Coco, Brad Homewood and Joe Zammit drove a truck onto the West Gate Bridge in Naarm-Melbourne at 7.45 am on Tuesday and parked it in a manner that blocked three lanes of five heading in one...

Mardi Gras May Have Passed, But NSW Police Remains a Rogue Force

The city was in a tither last week, over the news that the Mardi Gras Board had requested that members of the NSW Police Force not march in the parade last Saturday night, to allow the community “space to grieve”,...

ASIO’s Chinaphobic Threat Assessment Ignores the Risk Posed by US Warmongers

ASIO director general Mike Burgess reminded the nation during his 28 February annual threat assessment that despite a nation having gone rogue, breaking all norms of war and undermining the international justice system for five months now, the local focus...

NSW Police Officers Assault Teen for Possessing a Vape

The actions of New South Wales police officers have gone viral for all the wrong reasons once again, this time due to their illegal arrest of a young teenager in possession of a vape: an act which is completely legal....

McBride Back On: Prosecution Attempts to Tender Post-Plea “National Security” Evidence

As many were aware, ADF whistleblower David McBride was set to go before the ACT Supreme Court next week to be sentenced, after he pleaded guilty to three national security charges, as the entire state apparatus shut down all means...

Is a Criminal Offence Considered More Serious If Motivated by Hatred or Prejudice?

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Australian Women’s Soccer Captain Sam Kerr has found herself on the wrong side of the law in London, England after an alleged altercation with a taxi driver over a fare early last year. The Matilda’s captain put in a stellar...

FAMINE: Israeli-Made, Australian-Backed, Utter Colonial Bastardry in Gaza

The Anglosphere - the AUKUS powers, Canada and New Zealand - rallied around Live Aid in 1985, which was a massive multicontinental rock concert spanning 16 hours that featured the world’s biggest performers and raised money to provide food aid...
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