Criminal Law

Is Wage Theft a Criminal Offence in New South Wales?

A group of young Australians are preparing for a call action against fast food giant KFC, alleging that their employer did not provide mandatory breaks during their working shifts.  The Fast Food Union is behind the class action, which has...

Supreme Court Overrules Parents’ Decision to Refuse Toddler Blood Transfusion

The Supreme Court of New South Wales has overruled the wishes of parents not to allow their daughter to be given a blood transfusion, reinforcing the longstanding family law rule that the interests of the child are paramount when making...

“Ultimate Goal of Genocide”: Palestinian Action Group’s Josh Lees on Israel’s Gaza Massacre

As thousands gathered in major urban centres across every continent over the last weekend, the overwhelming groundswell of global support for the Palestinian people was something we’ve never witnessed before in regard to the apartheid state of Israel and its...

Suicide of Detained Teen Highlights the Desperate Need for Reform

The counter-productive and potentially catastrophic consequences of detaining youths in facilities designed for adults and treating them inhumanely has hit the headlines once again, with the tragic death of a boy who succumbed to his injuries a week after attempting...

Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 16 to 22 October 2023

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles: Police Officer Acquitted of Fatally Shooting Teen Must Testify at Coronial Inquest A police officer acquitted of murdering a teen in Alice Springs has lost...

What is the Knowledge Requirement for Drug Importation in Australia?

The Australian Federal Police arrested a man at Melbourne International Airport last week, over allegations he  attempted to import 6 kilograms of heroin concealed in his luggage. The 67-year old Canberra resident was returning from a trip to Manila, Thailand...

Victoria Set to Introduce Discrete Criminal Offence of Non-Fatal Strangulation

Victoria is set to strengthen criminal laws against domestic violence by making non-fatal strangulation a discrete offence. The new laws will bring Victoria into line with other states, including New South Wales, the Act and Queensland. The impetus for the...

The Gaza Crisis Reveals Why Our Government Wants More Laws to Police Truth on the Net

US president Joe Biden stood before the global press last week and said he’d “confirmed pictures of terrorists beheading children”. These comments were in regard to reports claiming that Hamas troops had beheaded 40 kids during the incursions it made into...

US Further Heightens Military Presence, With Plans to Station Land Forces in Australia

One might have expected that this year’s ongoing revelations relating to the United States’ militarisation of this continent might have started to slow down. This is especially as the onslaught began on 14 March with PM Anthony Albanese telling the nation that...

If Not Then, Now: First Nations Justice Must Be Wrought via Treaties Based on Truth

Racism is a foundational pillar of so-called Australia. Following its commencement in 1901, the first act of Australian parliament was to pass a series of white supremacist laws that together became known as the White Australia Policy. The “fair go” notion...
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