Leg Sweep, Anyone? NSW Police Continues Reign of Excessive Force, Despite Rising Calls for Reform
A NSW police officer arrested an 18-year-old First Nations man with a disability on suspicion of two attempted break and enters last week. And as the officer walked his captor away, the teen dropped to the ground having a violent seizure,...
PJCIS: Major Party National Security Law Rubber Stamping Club’s Mandate to Broaden
Since 9/11, the Australian government has passed coming up on close to 100 pieces of national security/counterterrorism legislation, with bipartisan approval, that, along with enhancing the security state, has served to whittle away at the basic rights and liberties of...
Doli Incapax and the Age of Criminal Responsibility in Australia
Just after 4pm on Thursday, 25 May 2023, emergency services responded to reports of a fire at a multi-storey building in Surry Hills, near Sydney’s central business district. More than 100 firefighters attended the scene but were unable to extinguish...
The Political Climate Is Ripe for a Human Rights Act in New South Wales
Australia remains the only liberal democracy globally without rights protections enshrined in federal law. Indeed, until not so long ago, no bill of rights or Human Rights Act (HRA) existed at any level of government: that was until the often-pioneering...
‘Mastermind’ of Australia’s Biggest Tax Fraud Receives Lengthy Prison Sentence
Adam Cranston, who was found to be one of the ‘masterminds’ behind Australia’s biggest tax fraud, has been sentenced to 15 years behind bars. Adam Cranston is the son of former deputy commissioner of the ATO, Michael Cranston. He appeared...
Thorpe Exposes Inconvenient Truths Suppressed by the Voice Debate at the Press Club
One of the greatest travesties of the Voice debate has been its suppression of one of the most vital positions against the establishment of the advisory body, which posits that it will be a powerless and poor substitute for progressing...
“I Hope It’s Overturned”: Former Magistrate Heilpern on Revoking of Drug Driving Mistake Defence
The drug driving regime in this state, as in the rest of the country, has always been controversial, as the testing model used, which ultimately sees people charged and lose their driver licence, doesn’t test for impairment levels, like drink...
World Health Organisation Finally Acknowledges COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries
The organisation that has been instrumental in the response to Covid-19, including the push for universal, preliminarily-tested vaccinations by big pharmaceutical companies, has quietly published a report acknowledging the potentially adverse effects of the drugs it has campaigned for. Acknowledgement...
Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 14 to 20 August 2023
In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles: Thin-Skinned, Heavy-Handed Policing: A Worldwide Trend Seven officers entered the 16-year old autistic girl’s home and dragged her out screaming for saying ‘you look like...
Your Guide to New South Wales Methamphetamine (“Ice”) Laws
Crystal methamphetamine (“meth” or “ice) remains a popular recreational drug in Australia amongst a small but persistent group of users. According to the latest national statistics just under 6% of Australians have used methamphetamine in their lifetime and 1.3% have...