What Are The Penalties For Littering in New South Wales
Did you know there is a website now where you can ‘dob in a litterer’? Cigarette butts littered from car windows can be reported, and fines can be issued by state authorities. And that is not all, there is even...
What To Do If You Have Been Charged With Obscene Exposure
One streaker last year earned himself a ban for life at the ANZ stadium when he entered the field and ran almost the full length just two minutes before full time. Wati Holmwood was charged with wilful and indecent exposure...
What Constitutes Illegal Gambling in NSW?
Did you know that tossing two coins together and betting money on which side up they will land is illegal? The only defence to playing such a game is not knowing that it was illegal, and after reading that last...
The Consequences of False Accusation Cases in NSW
Have you ever been the subject of a false accusation which led to you being investigated, or even charged with a criminal offence? If someone has falsely accused you of a crime, it’s a good idea to speak to a...
Female Genital Mutilation Bill Passes NSW Parliament
The maximum penalty for performing female genital mutilation has been increased to 21 years’ imprisonment after the passing of a bill through NSW Parliament. Previously, the penalty for performing genital mutilation on females was a maximum of seven years in prison. A...
Is Spitting On Someone An Offence?
While there is no doubt that spitting on someone is impolite, you may have wondered whether or not it is an offence. Here’s what you need to know. The offence of common assault in NSW Yes, spitting on someone without...
Caught in Possession of Drugs? What Now?
The last decade has seen a rise in the number of police officers deployed at festivals and events across NSW. The sight of sniffer dogs at live music events is commonplace, and the annual Nimbin Mardi Grass festival, which was...
What Are the Different Assault Charges in NSW?
If you have been charged with assault you could find yourself facing a number of different penalties, from a fine up to long-term imprisonment, depending on the circumstances and the seriousness of the alleged offence. Whether you choose to plead...
What Are the Laws Governing Prostitution in Sydney?
Unlike many other cities and countries around the world, prostitution in Sydney and NSW is legal, but there are a number of regulations governing the sex industry, and how sex workers operate. What is the minimum age for a sex worker? In...
The Offence of ‘Deemed Drug Supply’ in New South Wales
If you are found in possession of more than a certain quantity of drugs, you can be charged with deemed supply, even if you did not actually supply the drugs to anyone else and had no intention of doing so....