Penalties for Criminal Offences

What does the Companion Animals Act say about Dogs in Public Places?

As a dog owner, you have certain responsibilities when your animal is in public. If your dog is classified as a dangerous dog these responsibilities increase, but even owners of non-dangerous dogs have a number of different rules they need...

Can I Carry Dog Mace in Australia?

Dog spray, sometimes known as dog mace, is sold as a deterrent against dog attacks. The spray is contained in canisters, and when released acts as an irritant to dogs. Dog mace works in the event of a dog attack...

Penalties for Being Caught Trespassing with a Speargun in Sydney

Trespassing with a speargun or other firearm is an offence under Section 93H(1) of the Crimes Act. In order to be found guilty of this offence, there are a number of factors that need to be in place. This offence...

The Rules Governing Dangerous Dog Enclosures in NSW

If you have a dog that has been declared a dangerous dog, there are a number of restrictions you will be required to abide by. Your dog will need to be de-sexed, and kept in a specifically designed enclosure on...

Common Law and Larceny in NSW

Larceny, otherwise known as theft or stealing, is when a person attempts to permanently deprive someone else of something that is rightfully theirs. Larceny is part of the Crimes Act 1900, and depending on the nature of the offence and...

Obtaining a Benefit by Deception

Have you been charged with obtaining a benefit by deception? The charge is used for NSW offences that are alleged to have occurred before the commencement of the general offence of ‘section 192E fraud’ on 22nd February 2010. There is...

Is Stealing Plants from Gardens a Criminal Offence?

If you live in NSW you might not be aware that stealing a plant from someone else’s garden is actually a criminal offence. According to the Crimes Act 1900, section 520; it is an offence to steal plants or vegetables...

Defences for a Charge of Possessing Child Abuse Material

The production, possession or dissemination of child abuse material is a serious criminal offence under Section 91H of the Crimes Act. If you are found with anything that is considered to be child abuse material in your possession, you could...

Offensive Language and Obscene Conduct are NSW Crimes

Are you facing a charge of obscene exposure or offensive conduct? These offences are surprisingly common, and although they are generally not considered severe, you can still end up with a criminal record and a fine, or in some cases...

Summary Offences Act: What is an Offensive Implement?

There are a number of different offences that have similar penalties under the Summary Offences Act. Summary offences are considered to be relatively minor, and are generally tried in the local court in front of a magistrate, rather than at...
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