Penalties for Criminal Offences

Are There Any Ways to Avoid Penalties for Drug Possession?

This article is additional to our earlier blog about getting ‘section 10 dismissals or conditional release orders‘ for drug possession (guilty but no criminal conviction). There are certain circumstances that might allow your criminal lawyer to successfully defend your drug...

Are You in Trouble for Drug Possession? Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Can Help

Have you been recently charged with drug possession? If so, seeking legal representation from an experienced drug defence lawyer may assist you to get the best result. Expert legal representation can help you understand the charges, and the penalties you...

Prohibited Plants and the Law

Although many people are aware that the growing and cultivation of some plants is illegal, there is a certain amount of confusion as to what is acceptable in terms of the law. Although some plants can be used for the...

What is a ‘Dangerous Dog’?

Our video and Blog post below outlines the definition of ‘dangerous dog’ under the Companion Animals Act 1998. I have been representing clients in ‘dangerous dog’ cases since the Companion Animals Act was passed in 1998. During that time, perhaps...

Is it legal to give alcohol to a minor?

Section 117(4) of the Liquor Act makes it a criminal offence to supply alcohol to a minor. The maximum penalty is 12 months imprisonment and/or an $11,000.00 fine. However, it is a defence if: (a) the alcohol is supplied by...

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