Sex Offences

Jarryd Hayne Faces Third Trial Over Sexual Assault Allegation

Former National Rugby League star Jarryd Hayne is back in Downing Centre District Court to face a third trial over allegations of sexual assault. Vehemently maintains innocence Mr Hayne has steadfastly maintained his innocence throughout years of prosecution, and has...

Can a Person Consent to Sexual Activity Whilst Intoxicated?

The twenty first century has seen a whole of radical changes to the definition of sexual consent in New South Wales, invariably expanding the situations when it is to be considered a person is not consenting. Previous definition of sexual...

The Rules Regarding the Legality of Brothels in New South Wales

Are you considering engaging in sex work in New South Wales? Or perhaps establishing a brothel in our state? Or maybe are you’re employed as a sex worker and have concerns about the legality of your workplace? Or perhaps you...

Are ‘Recovered’ Memories of Childhood Abuse Reliable?

In the 1970s, a Canadian woman named Michelle Smith sought psychiatric treatment for depression following a miscarriage. Her psychiatrist, Lawrence Pazder, felt that her symptoms indicated early experiences of child sexual abuse, and he then used hypnosis to help “recover”...

Is it a Crime to Produce, Possess or Distribute AI Generated Child Pornography?

AI image generators, which use cutting edge algorithms to create unique, photo-realistic images are quickly becoming popular within creative industries. But as with all new technologies, they can also be used for nefarious purposes. Arrest for producing child pornography via...

Sydney Solicitor Cleared of Sexual Assault Allegations

A solicitor employed with a criminal law firm in Sydney’s west has been cleared of all sexual assault allegations made against him. 29-year old criminal defence lawyer Steven Mercael was charged with aggravated sexual assault as well as the lesser...

Political Prosecutions: Abusing the Justice Process for Political Advantage

The former first minister of Scotland’s devolved parliament was served papers which read, ‘Her Majesty’s advocate v Alexander Elliot Salmond’. It was a prosecution on 14  sexual offences  alleged to have occurred whilst Mr Salmond, the former leader of the...

The New Consent Directions in Jury Trials for Sexual Offences

The Crimes Legislation Amendment (Sexual Consent Reforms) Act 2021 (‘the Amending Act’) came into effect on 1 June 2022 (NSW), overhauling the definition of consent as it relates to certain sexual offences and revising the meaning of sexual intercourse, sexual touching and...

Former Sexual Assault Suspect Sues Media Giants for Defamation

A man whose career and reputation were ruined through heavily-biased media coverage of a claim of sexual assault in Parliament House, Canberra, has commenced defamation proceedings against mainstream media companies and its reporters. Bruce Lehrmann has filed two civil claims...

What is the Definition of Sexual Consent in New South Wales?

The Crimes Legislation Amendment (Sexual Consent Reforms) Act 2021 came into effect on 1 June 2022 (NSW), repealing the definition of sexual consent contained in section 61HE of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) and inserting a new Subdivision 1A into Division...
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