Sexual Intercourse

Could Brothels in Sydney be Linked to Sex Trafficking?

There are a number of rules governing the licensing process for brothels in Sydney, and the rest of NSW. The licensing process was tightened last year in an attempt to lessen the involvement of organised crime in brothels, and the...

How long a Sentence is Life?

It can be extremely distressing when you find out a loved one has been given a sentence of life imprisonment. Life sentences can be given to someone who is guilty of a very serious crime, such as Murder; Aggravated Sexual...

What Types of Cases Appear at Parramatta District Court?

The NSW court system is divided into three different levels of court. The local court deals with less serious matters. Local court hearings are presided over by a magistrate rather than a judge and jury. The district court is where...

What Are the Rules Governing Brothels and Massage Parlour Licences in NSW?

In NSW, the laws regulating brothels and massage parlours have become more strict over recent years, with a focus on reducing worker exploitation and limiting the influence of organised crime in the sex industry. Brothels in NSW are regulated by...

What the Law Says About Minors in Sydney Sex Clubs

The presence of a minor in a sex club is a summary offence, according to Section 21D of the Summary Offences Act 1998. If you are the owner of a Sydney sex club and a minor is found to be...

What the Law Says About Soliciting in Massage Parlours in Sydney

If you have been charged with solicitation, you will need to seek advice from an experienced criminal lawyer. There are a number of different offences associated with solicitation and prostitution. According to Section 16 of the Summary Offences Act, it...

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