Your Rights

What Can I Expect if Police Arrive With a Search Warrant?

It can be distressing to be the subject of a police investigation or search, particularly if it takes place in your home. Although police have certain powers to stop and search you or your property without a warrant, if they...

Dealing with the Police for People with English as a Second Language

Being arrested or questioned by the police can be stressful and challenging for anyone. For those with English as their second language, their dealings with the police can be even more complex. The language barrier may mean that they aren’t...

Arrest Rights for Children

Just like adults, children have a number of rights when they are arrested or questioned by police. Children are more vulnerable than adults in these situations, so if the police have arrested your child or a child you know, it’s...

Can You Still Be Convicted if You Have Been Unlawfully Arrested?

Unlawful arrest is an issue that is increasingly in the media spotlight. High profile cases such as that of Andrea Taylor have gained a lot of attention in recent years, and have cost the police force money in legal costs...

What Can You Do if You Have Been Unlawfully Arrested?

Wrongful arrest cases have been in the media recently, with a number of individuals and groups seeking compensation for being unlawfully detained or injured during the arrest. Being arrested can be a highly upsetting and stressful experience, which can be...

What Constitutes Unlawful Arrest?

Contrary to popular belief, police officers aren’t legally allowed to go around arresting whomever they want, whenever they want, and in any manner they like. There are a number of rules and regulations that the police have to abide by,...

How to Make a Complaint against the NSW Police

The police in NSW have substantial powers but they are not infallible. Each year complaints are made and upheld against members of the police force, and if you have recently had an experience with police officers during which you feel...

Is it Legal to Film Police in NSW?

In recent years the combination of smartphones with cameras and social media has meant that anyone can photograph or video anything and everything and post it online in a matter of moments. Nobody, from strangers on the street to friends...

Do I Need a Lawyer For a Voluntary Interview at a Police Station?

If you are suspected of a crime or of having information about a crime, you may be asked by police to attend a voluntary interview at a police station. If you haven’t been arrested, you don’t have to attend the...

What if My Rights are Violated When I Am under Arrest in NSW?

NSW police have extensive powers when they choose to arrest someone, but the arrested person also has certain rights that they are entitled to. If you are under arrest in NSW and police don’t act in accordance with these rights,...
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