
Join the Walk for Justice: RACS Director Sarah Dale on the Importance of Pro Bono Work

Pro bono is taken from the Latin phrase “pro bono publico”, which means “for the public good”. These days, pro bono legal work commonly refers to free legal services, or those provided at a significantly reduced cost, with no expectation...

The National Digital ID Will Fail Just Like the Others, Says Dataveillance Expert Dr Roger Clarke

Both major parties in Australia have been keen to establish national identity schemes going back decades. However, the public has consistently rejected them, especially once the privacy-minded inform the broader constituency of their potential to undermine rights and enhance social...

Australia Card Mark II: NSWCCL’s Michelle Falstein on Labor’s Proposed Digital Identity System

A meeting of the nation’s various data and digital ministers early this year, resulted in the release of a 24th February communique, which asserts an urgency around implementing a national digital identification system, which would make it easier for “citizens to...

“Our Democracy Needs Whistleblowers”: AAPP’s Kathryn Kelly on the Unjust Prosecutions

The SA District Court recently informed ATO whistleblower Richard Boyle that the laws drafted by attorney general Mark Dreyfus a decade ago, do provide immunity from civil, criminal and administrative liability in making his disclosure, but not for his actions in...

“We Protect Us”: AltMediaWatch on Far-Right Attacks Against LGBTQ People

The pushback against recent far right assaults on LGBTIQ communities saw thousands gather at a Trans Day of Visibility event in Melbourne’s CBD last Friday night, as well as another held in Sydney’s Newtown on Sunday, where a mass of supporters...

Albanese Refuses Nation Any Say in Joining War on China, Explains Senator Jordon Steele-John

On Wednesday morning, Greens Senator Jordon Steele-John brought on debate over his legislation, which sought to shift the ability to make the decision on whether to enter into an overseas war away from the PM and a handful of ministers,...

“Provoking a Defensive Response From China”: AWPR’s Dr Alison Broinowski on AUKUS

The announcement of the details of AUKUS, delivered by prime minister Anthony Albanese and his US and UK counterparts in San Diego on 14 March, elevated the build-up to war with China and the goading of Xi government. The prominent detail...

“No Time to Waste”: Harbour Bridge Protester and Firefighter Alan Glover on Voting for Climate

As Alan Glover was driving a small truck towards the Sydney Harbour Bridge on 13 April 2022, the volunteer firefighter of four decades told those watching a livestream that he and his fellow Fireproof Australia protesters were taking park in the...

Occupying Perrottet Over Coal Expansion: An Interview With Rising Tide’s Shaun Murray

Rising Tide Australia occupied NSW premier Dominic Perrottet’s electoral office in Epping a week out from the NSW election. And the group of around 15 climate defenders, half of whom were high school students, took over the space with the...

In Our Blood: Sex Worker Rights Advocate Julie Bates Reflects on the ABC Miniseries

This Sunday night sees the ABC screening the first episode of the four part miniseries In Our Blood, which is a depiction of how the Australian government handled the HIV/AIDS crisis of the 1980s, with the government approach taken having been...
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