“The Threat From China Is a Lie”: Peace Activist Nick Deane on the Build Up to War
Talk of war with China has been mounting over recent years. The current Labor government, and the Coalition before it, have been warning that Beijing has become increasingly aggressive, which is leading to growing tensions in the Indo Pacific that...
We’re Taking Back Our Land and Future, Says Black Peoples Union’s Kieran Stewart-Assheton
The Invasion Day protests held in major urban centres across the continent on 26 January saw a determined rejection of the Albanese government-led proposal for a referendum on an Indigenous voice to parliament to be enshrined in the Australian Constitution....
A System in Crisis: Socialist Alliance NSW Candidate Rachel Evans on Radical Solutions
Transformed by the multiple crises that have altered many aspects of life since the last NSW election in early 2019, it’s a very different state that will approach the ballot box this March: one that has experienced a drawn-out pandemic,...
Go to Hell Pell: CARR’s April on Protesting the Cardinal’s Funeral
Since Cardinal George Pell died of a cardiac arrest on 10 January, campaigners against institutional child sexual exploitation and abuse within the church have been tying coloured ribbons to the fence outside of Sydney’s St Mary’s Cathedral in support of youths who...
Rejecting Your Strawman: Dr Kaz Ross on the Rising Sovereign Citizen Movement
About a fortnight ago, footage of a young woman from Victoria being pulled over by NSW police was doing the rounds online, due to the driver’s strange responses to officers’ questioning. When the police officer standing at the driver’s window asked...
Pokies Out of NSW Pubs and Clubs, Says Greens MLC Faehrmann, as Labor Trial Set to Fail
NSW Greens MLC Cate Faehrmann launched her party’s plan to phase out pokies from pubs and clubs on 5 December. And when the Greens gambling harm reduction spokesperson did, she made the announcement from the Petersham Bowling Club, which ditched...
Take a Stand Against Injustice This Invasion Day, Says Dunghutti Activist Paul Silva
The 26 January this year marks 235 years since British ships arrived at Kamay-Botany Bay. The pretext for the invasion was that English gaols were bursting with inmates, so the nation thought it wise to spend 252 days sailing 700-odd inmates to...
Medevaced from Nauru to Brisbane Hotel Detention: An Interview With Refugee Nur Mohammed
Right now, Home Affairs has five long-term offshore detainees confined in their rooms at Brisbane’s Meriton Hotel, following having transferred them to Australia to undergo medical treatment that isn’t available on the island of Nauru, where they’ve been held for almost...
Jesus the Agitator and the Perrottet Anti-Protest Regime: An Interview With Historian Diane Fieldes
The right to protest is under attack in the state of NSW, elsewhere around the country and, indeed, across the western world. And the reason for this is well understood: disruptive protests are drawing attention to the escalating climate crisis and...
Prisoners Must be Given Access to Medicare, Says Gerry Georgatos
Australia has a growing issue with incarcerating people, especially First Nations adults and children, and this habit of dealing with society’s most disadvantaged and marginalised people by hiding them in correctional institutions, extends to denying them regular healthcare inside. Successive...